Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:
Presley's POV:
I dozed off for what seemed like a few minutes. But really I had been asleep for a few hours. I guess the jet lag is already creeping up on me. I looked out the tiny window and saw pitch black. There was no light. I guess we were over the ocean now, considering there were no lights below. Everyone around me was sleeping, so I figured that I should go back to sleep to pass time, and so that I won't be tired as all get out.
When I woke up, the voice over the intercom said that we had about two hours until we landed. I spent those two hours listening to music, and reading. It was, surprisingly, a very relaxing flight. No screaming children, no snoring passengers, no one kicking the back of my seat, just bliss.
We finally landed. The bump of the plane hitting the ground made my stomach feel like it was going up, and made me want to throw up. I was so tired, and just wanted to go back to sleep.
As I got up out of my seat, I got my purse, and my small carry on, and started to walk off of the plane and into the airport. I took in a deep breath and continued through the tunnel until I stepped into the airport. When I looked up, I saw a large man with a small white sign that said Tomlin. I walked over to the man.
"Are you Presley Tomlin?" The large man asked in an Australian accent.
"Yes. Do you work for 5 Seconds of Summer?" I asked.
"Shhh! Keep your voice down when you say that! The teenage girls around here will go ballistic if they hear that I'm one of their body guards. You never know what they'll do to try and get to the guys. Now follow me. We'll go get your luggage and head to the car." He said as he guided me through the airport.
"Ok. Thanks." I said.
"Oh, and by the way, my name is Henry. I'm one of the body guards of you haven't noticed." He said smiling.
"Well it's nice to meet you, Henry." I said as I picked up my luggage.
We exited the airport and headed to the car. When we got to the car, he took my rather large suitcase and threw it in the trunk.
"My heavens. What all did you bring?" He said closing the trunk.
"Well, I am going on a tour for six months. A girls got to have plenty of clothes." I said.
He rolled his eyes and got into the car. I got into the passengers seat and buckled my seat belt. It felt weird because I was on the opposite side of the car, where the drivers seat would usually be in America. I had forgotten that the simplest things were completely different in other parts of the world.
As we drove, Henry told me all about the guys and how they got started. Some stories were quite funny, and others made me quite nervous about the trip to come.
We pulled up to a huge, beautiful house, with a swimming pool. It was a beautiful house. Then, I saw two boys running out the front door I front of the car.
"Good luck." Henry said getting out of the car and heading to he trunk to get my luggage.
I stepped out of the car and headed around back to get my suitcase. suddenly, a boy with dark hair appeared beside of Henry, and another one with light purple hair on the other side, near me.
"Hello, love." He said to me with a warming smile.
"Hi." I answered back.
I picked up my suitcase and began to walk up the long driveway.
"Let me help with that." The one with the dark hair said.
"Oh, thanks." I told him as I handed him my suitcase.
"I'm Calum, and this is Michael" he said pointed to the boy with purple hair.
"Hey. I'm Presley." I said.
"That's a beautiful name." Michael said.
"Thanks" I said looking down at the ground.
"So are you excited about going on tour?" Calum asked.
"Yes, definitely. I can't wait." I told him.
"That's great. Your going to get to know us really well, I can tell you that." Calum said, hauling my suitcase through the front door.
I gave Michael a worried look.
"It's ok. We're just a little...Wild at first." Michael said patting my back.
I entered through the front door, and two more boys ran over to me. One with blonde hair and another with brown hair. I guessed the one with blonde hair was Luke, because Casey always obsessed over him and had posters in her room. The other one had to be Ashton.
Suddenly, Luke ran faster towards me.
"You must be Presley!" He shouted. He picked me up, and spun me around.
I let out a little squeak that I hoped no one heard, and he put me down. I wasn't expecting a big welcoming hug
"Hey, I'm Luke." He said.
He was clearly examining me, as he spoke.
"Hi." I said.
Michael and Calum chased each other
upstairs while, which left me standing with Luke and Ashton.
"So, I'll show you to your room, and we can go downstairs and get to know each other." He said taking my suitcase.
We walked up the long staircase and he led me into a spare bedroom. The walls were purple, and there was a twin sized bed with a purple comforter and a purple flower rug.
"I hope you like purple. Luke's mom designed this room, not us."
I smiled at the cute little room and out my stuff down beside the bed.
"So we are all going to stay here at Luke's house until we leave for the tour. Then, as you already know, we will be on the tour bus." He explained.
"Cool. So we leave on Saturday?" I asked. Today was Wednesday...I think.
"Yep. The first stop is a town just outside of Sydney, and that will be our first show." He said excitedly.
"Ok. Sounds good" I said.
"Now let's go downstairs, and we can all talk about what's going to be happening in the next couple of days. And hopefully, we can get to know about you some." He said sweetly. He smiled and we went downstairs. I then noticed that he had the smile of an angel.
We got downstairs and all sat down in the couch, except Calum and Michael, who were shooting nerf guns at each other.
"Guys! Sit down!" Luke commanded, yelling across the room. They both shot him a sad look and sat down.
We talked about the plans for the next couple of days, and then, we just got off track and talked about random stuff. I didn't do much talking though. It was getting a little awkward. I answered simple "yes" and "no" questions, but never really got into any deep conversations.
I was thankful when Luke's mom came in and said she had fixed dinner. It was amazing. After dinner, I told the guys that I had severe jet lag and that I needed to get some rest. They understood and I went upstairs to my purple bedroom. I laid down in the bed and checked my text messages. I texted my mom to tell her that I had landed safely and that I was getting ready to go to bed.
To be honest, I felt uncomfortable around these guys, and I didn't know what to do. I guess I would just have to get use to them. I put my pajamas on and fell into a deep sleep in the comfortable, purple bed, and dreamed about home.

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