Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

I woke up the next morning, feeling ready and well rested. I was ready to start the day.
Kayleigh was reading a book over on the small couch in the corner of the hotel room.

"Hey honey. Up already?" She asked in a sweet voice. She sounded like my mother. The way she said it finally made me realize how much I actually miss my mom. But I ignored that thought of homesickness, and replied.

"Yea. I'm gonna get ready and head down to the guys rooms to wake them up." I told her.

"Ok. We will be leaving around ten and it's almost nine now, so you all should have plenty of time to get ready and go downstairs to the dining room for breakfast. But don't dilly dally. It's about a forty-five minute drive and I don't want you guys to be late." She said

"Ok." I said, beginning to dig through my suitcase.

I finally decided on my gray tank top that said "Smile" on it, and my skinny jeans. After I changed, I put on my converse. I decided I should take a break from my vans today. I looked into the large mirror hanging on the wall in the bathroom, and reached for my small makeup bag as soon as I saw my reflection. I went easy on the makeup today, but added enough to make me look decent. I ran the straightener through my long blonde hair and walked out of the bathroom.
I immediately grabbed Calum's beanie and put it on my head.

"The boys are really starting to rub off on you." Kayleigh said looking at my outfit.
I rolled my eyes and laughed.
I grabbed my phone and headed for the door.

"I'm going to wake them up." I told Kayleigh.

"Ok. Go ahead and take them down for breakfast. I'll be down there in a few minutes." She told me as I shut the door behind me.

I ran down the hall to Calum and Ashton's room. Man, it must be really awkward for Ashton. He does not seem to like Calum right now. I shook off the thought and knocked on the door.
Suddenly, I heard a high pitched scream, and feet shuffling towards the door. The door opened up and I saw Luke.

"Hey. What are you doing in this room?" I ask, getting confused.

"We always all four end up in a room together, no matter if we have separate rooms." He said motioning for me to enter.

"We need to go get breakfast downstairs. Hurry up. I'm starving." I said.
I searched the room for Calum, but there was no sign of him.

"Where's Calum?" I asked Michael, who was currently shirtless, and putting on a Green Day shirt.

"Uh, I actually don't know. He got up early for a run or something about two hours ago. He still isn't back." He said pulling his shirt over his head.

"Oh. Well you want to help me come look for him, Michael?" I ask hoping he would say yes. I didn't want to be roaming around outside alone.

"Sure. Let's go. Then we are getting breakfast." He said pointing at me with wide eyes.

We headed out the door and down to the lobby. I walked beside Michael and we headed around back to check the swimming pool.

"I thought you said he was going out on a run?" I said as we made our way around the hotel.

"He did. But we might as well check. Calum is punk rock by night, and a water bug by morning." He said

I laughed at that comment and we entered the gates to the pool entrance. I walked around the corner to see Calum in the pool. But not by himself.
I stopped in my tracks and froze. Michael came up behind me.

"What?" Michael asked walking up to me. Then he saw what I was seeing too.

Calum was in the pool with another girl. She clung to him with her arms around his neck and he held her as they kissed for a long period of time, without stopping.
I felt a large hand wrap around my wrist.

"Presley, I think we should leave..." Michael began, but I pulled back. His grip tightened around my wrist.
I could feel the tears in my eyes starting to form. Not from how tight Michael was holding my wrist, but from what I had just seen.

"No." I whispered quietly as a tear fell down my face.

He began to look at me with sad eyes.

"Just let it go. I don't want you to have to watch this anymore." Michael said with real concern in his eyes.

"Get off of me." I pushed him back and walked towards Calum and the girl.

I snatched the beanie off of my head and squeezed it tightly with anger as I walked to the edge of the pool.

"Calum!" I screamed as my eyes filled with tears.

He looked up at me, along with the girl.

"Presley, I can explain.." He began.

"No Calum! Don't even say anything else! Ashton was completely right about you. I just can't believe I was stupid enough not to listen" I practically yelled. He showed no emotion and that's what really hurt.
Tears were streaming down my face now, and I threw his stupid beanie down into the water and stomped off back around the hotel.
Off in the distance I heard Michael's voice.

"What the crap, Calum?" Michaels voice was filled with concern.

I ran through the doors of the hotel and wiped tears from my eyes as I ran.

As I ran down the hallway, i saw Ashton walking out of his room. As soon as he saw me, he stepped I front of me to stop me from getting around him.

"What? What's wrong?" He said pulling me into a hug.

I dug my face down into his chest and wept. His arms wrapped around me.

"You were right. You were so right, and I'm so so sorry I didn't listen. I'm so stupid!" I said. Now I was balling into his shirt.

"Oh no." He said. He let out a sigh.
"It's ok. I'm here for you. And your not stupid. He's the stupid one." He said rubbing my back.

"I thought for once that someone actually cared about me and loved me." I said hugging him tighter.

"I care for you, Pres. Don't you ever forget that." He said. He lifted my head up from his shirt and smiled lightly at me.
"And I love you" he said tucking my hair behind my ears.

It was nice to hear that. Once he said that, I completely forgot about what had just happened.

"Ashton, can I just stick with you for today?" I ask wiping my eyes. Thank God for waterproof mascara.

"Of course you can." He said grabbing my hand.
"Let's go get some breakfast and get our minds off of things." He said leading me out into the dining room. I followed behind him and didn't let go of his hand.


This makes me hate Calum but I know he's actually a cuddly puppy in real life.

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