Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Calum's POV:

"Ok...well as you already know, I'm from North Carolina and-"

"No no no, talk about something that I don't already know." I said.

"Like what?" she asked looking over at me.

"Umm...what are your hobbies?" I asked thinking of the first thing that came to mind.

"I like to make covers and put them on YouTube." She said.

"I already knew that!" I said laughing.

She smiled and rubbed her eyes as I looked over at her. Her long blonde hair was up in a messy bun on her head, and her beautiful blue eyes were tired, but still in some way glistening.

"Jet lag, huh?" I said looking back at the road.

"You got that right." She said yawning.

"As soon as we get home from rehearsing, you can go take a nap. Trust me, I know how you feel. We opened for One Direction all last year and got no sleep what so ever." I told her

"Yea, my best friend went to that concert. She's a huge fan of you and one direction." She said.

"Oh, really. Well I would like to meet her someday." I said

"You most likely will. She's forcing me to FaceTime at least two times on tour." She explained.

"It's so cool that we have people who love us from all around the world." I said randomly.

"Yep. Must be nice." She said

"After the tour, I'm sure you'll be a hit, too." I said to make her feel a little better.

"Hopefully." She said.

We rode in the car for while longer and talked. She told me about her life back at home and what It was like living in America. It sounded awesome, even though she said it wasn't all that great. In those few minutes riding with her in the car, I felt like I really got to know her. She spoke out more, which was my goal to begin with. Her voice was beautiful and amazing to listen to, and she wasn't even singing. In those few minutes, I had gained a good friend and I think she felt the same way, hopefully.
We pulled into the gates of the auditorium and parked in the back, where the tour busses usually park, and got out of my car.

"Ok. You ready to practice?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes." She replied quietly.

"Now don't go back to one word answers just because the other guys are around. Speak out more like you did in the car. There's nothing to be nervous about." I said comforting her.
I walked beside her and patted her on the back. We met up with the guys at the entrance and headed inside.

Presley's POV:

Calum's words were encouraging, but the other guys made me so nervous. Especially Ashton. For some odd reason, it was feeling something for him at the moment, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But for now, I guess Calum's my new best friend.

We walked into the auditorium and there, over to the right of the stage was the piano. It was a nice gray keyboard with a black stand. Each key shone brightly, glistening under the lights of the stage.

"Ok. Let's just warm up for a little bit and then we will get started." Ashton told us, walking up the stairs to get to the stage.

Calum, Luke, and Michael followed. Calum stopped and turned around to face me. He began to walk towards me. When he stood In front of me, he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me up to the stage.

"Come on, you can do this. Your amazing." He said smiling at me.
I looked over at Ashton who was sitting at his drums, holding his drum sticks and twirling them in his long fingers. He gave me a quick angelic smile and I turned my head to face Calum again.

I backed away from Calum and stood In front of the expensive piano. I looked down at the keys which were still glistening under the light.
I laid my fingers across the soft, smooth keys and thought of he first song that popped into my mind.


I began playing the song. I didn't even think about who was watching or listening, I just played.

When I finished, I heard four applauses coming from the left of me. I looked over and saw Michael, Ashton, Luke, and Calum all smiling brightly at me.

"That was unbelievably good." Luke said raising his eyebrows in amazement.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"Play something else for us. But this time, sing with it." Michael said.

I let out a small sigh, and thought of another song for a minute.

Best Mistake by Ariana Grande. I actually hated that song, but to be honest, it had a pretty sound to it. Well the piano part did. I was not going to add the rap part.

I began playing again. I took a deep breath and began to sing with it. I got lost in the music, and sang possibly a little stronger than I do around people.
I finished the song and took my hands off of the piano.

Just then, everyone clapped, except for Ashton. Great. Was he having second thought or something?

He walked across the stage, down the stairs, and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Michael asked confused.

Ashton threw his hands up.

"She's too good!" He yelled.

Everyone started to laugh, and I joined in. Ashton turned around and smiled brightly at me, and walked back to the stage.

Hi or hey

Another short chapter. I had to make it short because I'm pretty much half asleep right now. Thanks for reading!

-Lub you!

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