Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

I followed Ashton up the black staircase, backstage. His hand gripped mine as he practically dragged me.

"Ash, where are you taking me?" I asked, trying to keep up.

The room we were in was completely dark.

"I can't see anything. What are we-"
Suddenly, he opened a door in front of him. It lead out onto the roof of the large building.
As I looked up, I realized that the sky was pitch black, and there were tiny twinkling stars hanging above us. When we arrived, it had been sunny. Now the sky was completely dark.
Ashton let go of my hand and put his hands out for me to stay where I was standing.

"Don't move." He said softly.

I gave him a confused look, but soon let a small smile show itself.
He ran over to the edge and looked down.

"Ashton Irwin, if you jump-" I began.

"Calm down, and trust me." He said. He started to walk towards me. When he got to me, he reached out and grabbed both of my hands. He walked backwards, until we got to the edge.

"When I move out of the way, you carefully look over the edge, ok?" He said, now smiling his beautiful smile.

"Ok?" I said confused.

He slightly moved to the right, and I stepped forward to look over the edge of the building.
I looked over, and right below us on the ground, were what looked like thousands of bright candles that were in the shape of a heart. Inside of the heart was "P + A = Forever".
Tears welled up in my eyes as soon as I saw it. I turned to look at Ashton, who was smiling the biggest smile at me.

"Just a little something to "brighten" your day. Get it? Because they're candles." He said in a cute voice.

I didn't say anything. I just smiled and ran into his arms. I gave him a huge hug. He embraced me in his warm, loving arms.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I love it, Ashton. I love you."

OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 200 READS!! I love you guys so much!! Remember to keep watching for updates!!

-Lub you

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