Ch. 8 * Rot

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The past couple of days had gotten progressively worse. You often took cough drops to try and stop yourself from hacking up any flowers during school, it was hardly effective.

You contemplated calling in sick as you washed a few f/c petals down the drain once more. You shook your head to yourself and left the bathroom.

In thought, you stepped quickly down the halls of the school. You stopped and absentmindedly looked out the window, down at the young students of the hero course doing what looked like a training exercise.

You watched with dull eyes as Midoriya repeatedly tumbles and imitated using his quirk as if he was also thinking deeply about something.

Looking away, you continued down the hall and to your classroom. You opened the door and stood at the podium as the bell wrang for class.

It was a few minutes as you continued to think about what you should do as the class assembled in the room. You snapped out of thought and began the class.



The sun was setting as you pushed through the doors of the school and began walking down the path leading out. You made it to your car when you started wheezing.

Sputtering and eventually coughing, your head felt heavy and your lungs burned abnormally as you coughed, the ability to inhale becoming difficult.

You held your throat and fell to your knees as your mouth became extremely wet with your saliva.

"I can't breathe!"

Your vision started being invaded with black spots as your chest heaved for a breath of air. Your forehead hit the door of your car as you gripped tightly onto the handle, trying to pull yourself up.

The strength of your hand decreased until it fell limp against the door and all you could do was lean against the cold metal.

Your shoulder was grabbed and you were forced onto your back as someone smashed their hand into your chest.

It forced your diaphragm up and your throat got scratched as, presumably a bunch of flowers erupted from your lungs.

You could breath again and your vision came back to you as your e/c eyes locked onto the beautifully bright blue eyes of Midnight.

"Kayama?" You breathed as she helped you to sit up.

"What's going on with you? I have a bad feeling about those flowers." She spoke with concern.

"Sorry you had to deal with me." You rubbed your throat, "I should explain this to you but I think you already know."

"So those flowers were that disease?" She said sadly.

You nodded and looked over to the branch of f/c flowers that sat, beautiful under the sun.



That night you had explained everything to Midnight, she listened and offered advice, refusing to interfere unless absolutely necessary for your safety.


You looked up from your papers and smiled, "Yes, Hizashi?"

"Are ya ready for this bit of info!"

You blinked and he posed while pointing at you, "You were chosen to go with the hero course as anescort!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Nezu says having a healer there would be rad and sense recover girl must stay here, Aizawa suggested you and got the go!"

"Is this a joke?" You asked, feeling doubtful.

Mic laughed, "Nope!"

"Oh ok."

He looked at you blankly.

"What?" You asked.

"I was not expecting that reaction!" He said in the most normal tone you've heard from him yet.

"Where are we even going?" You sighed.


"Well I guess itll be simple enough." You spoke, leaning against your palm.

Flowers *°*°*° Aizawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now