Ch. 2 * Attacked

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Sorry for the slow updates ;-;

You felt a bit overwhelmed, Mic was screaming the lyrics to 'Party in the USA' while a dull face Aizawa swirled his drink around deftly.

You shuffled awkwardly in your seat and pulled at the collar of your shirt. You looked at Aizawa and thought of some generic icebreaker.

"So, is Mic always like this?" You laughed awkwardly.

"Usually." He replied disinterestedly.

"I guess I'll just have to get used to it, how long have you guys been friends?"


Your eye twitched at his short answer.

"Care to explain?"

He sighed with a bored look on his face.

"We went to school together when we were younger."

"Oh? What year and school?" You asked, a bit more into the conversation.

"Does it matter?"

You felt taken aback by his answer. Your eyebrows furrowed and you crossed your arms leaning back in your seat.

"I might as well not have tried talking to him! Hes so difficult! It makes me so angry!"

"I don't like you." You said.

He looked slightly startled and looked up at you from his cup.

"I was just being honest. I'm leaving, got school tomorrow." You said in a slightly hostile tone.

You stood, grabbing your purse and slipping it onto your shoulder. You then took a few steps before walking back and placing some money down.

"This should cover me, I'm sure Mic will understand." You muttered before walking away.

The night air was cool and you step off at a brisk pace towards the train station. You arrived quickly, there was hardly anyone there so you sat at a spot near the platform but also near the exit.

You busied yourself with your phone, looking at notifications and going on random apps.

Train number xxx-12 has been delayed for the next 2 hours-

"Damn. I guess I'll just have to get a taxi." You muttered to yourself.

Standing once more, you walked out I f the station and headed down the street a bit. You called for a taxi and began waiting for it, tapping your foot impatiently.

You suddenly realized there was more tapping then just your foot. Immediately, you stopped and looked around.

You didnt see anyone but the presence of being watched was creeping onto you. Suddenly there was a loud whistle and you felt something stabbing you.

You whirled around and saw a needle like weapon in your side. You yanked it out and dropped it to the floor, beginning to feel a bit sick.

Dropping to your knees your veins stung. Looking atound with heavy eyes you caught sight of someone walking towards you.

"Dont worry, it wont last long."

"What did you do?" You huffed through clenched teeth.

"I took away your quirk. Now, your coming with me!"

Your muscles tensed as he ran forward. Suddenly a piece of fabric came out of nowhere, trapping the stranger in a mummy-like prison.

"That looks like-!"

Eraserhead, the hero that you had told you disliked before leaving abruptly, had just kicked down your attacker with glowing red eyes.

After securly binding the mans wrists.and ankles, Aizawa stepped back, putting eyedrops in and walking towards you.

"Are you alright?"

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