Ch. 6 * Daisy

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When you finally woke, you were where you expected to be. In a hospital. You sat up with a sigh.

"I'm gonna have to apologize for scaring them. How pitiful that I passed out in front of my class."

Your eyes looked up and caught sight of a vase holding sunflowers daisies and other matching flowers. You smiled at the kindness behind the act of placing them in your line of sight.

"Ah, you're awake! Good thing, it seems that you reopened your wound but we fixed it so there shouldn't be anymore problems." The doctor spoke, tapping his clipboard, "One more thing. We ran some test after finding an abnormality with your blood."

You turned your eyes to him as he paused and felt your heart sink at the anxious look on his face.

"I'm sorry, but you have a disease. We can treat it now if you would allow, but of course it would remove all emotions of affection for that individual." He continued.

You blinked and looked at your lap.

"What disease?" You asked shakily, although you knew what he was talking about.




"Now what am I supposed to do. I cant afford treatment but there's no way in hell that he's gonna love me." You worried to yourself as you sat at your dining table alone.

You ran your hand through your hair stressfully.

"I cant just die." You whined.

Your forehead hit the table and you groaned. It was silent for a while and you were beginning to doze off unsurprisingly, until your phone began to ring.

Jumping up right, the bill for your hospital visit stuck to your face, you fumbled around with the electronic box before answering.

"Y-Yes- Hello, this is L/n!" You rushed out nervously.

"Hey! It's me, Hizashi!" A loud voice practically yelled in your ear.

"Mic- Uh Hizashi? Why are you calling me?" You asked in nervous confusion.

"I'm goin out again! It would be cool if you joined me!" He responded.

"Joined you- ah, where? When? Is it far? Is it karaoke? I kinda dont wanna-"

"WOAH! So many questions!"


"Dont worry it isnt far! Just meet by the station downtown at 7!"

"Oh, ok, I can do that." You spoke.

"Rad! Make sure to wear your coolest clothes!"

And then he hung up. You looked at the screen of your phone in confusion.

"Where on Earth are we going?"



"Glow in the dark rave style mini golf?!" You nearly screamed.

"Cool, right?" The loud blonde finger gunned at you.

You wore a white top and pants with a baggy black jacket that had a single reflective white stripe down each sleeve.

It was the coolest thing you owned according to Hizashi's standards. He was wearing a shiney sequin jacket that looked like if you shined a light on it everyone within a mile would go blind, silver bell bottoms and boots with a black shirt that had a "to cool for skool" print.

Some how, most likely against his will, Aizawa was also there. He was wearing all black, no surprise there, except when you arrived you had spotted Hizashi forcing reflective headband on springs and hearts on his head.

"No." Was all you said before turning to leave when an arm locked around yours and you were being dragged away from the station as Hizashi laughed, chanting "mini golf rave" the entire way as you struggled for freedom.

Flowers *°*°*° Aizawa x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat