Ch. 4 * Succulent

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I'm so sorry for the slow updates! Please forgive me

Your foot tapped nervously on the ground as you waited patiently by the door of the teachers lounge.

"This is nothing, I'm just being kind is all, in fact he should be grateful for my generousity!"

The door suddenly swung open, cutting off your thoughts abruptly. The man you had been waiting to see had finally come out, looking as dull as ever.

"Aizawa!" You called, gaining his attention, "Do you want to have dinner with me? It of course would be payment of gratitude for you helping me the other night."

Your fingers twirled behind your back and you tried to keep your expression neutral but with a smile.


"Great! I was thinking around 6 would work?" You asked, bringing your hands forward to hold them together in front of your chin as your anxiety ebbed into relief.

"It works." He mumbled.

"Great, meet at (insert nice restuarant), I'll see you then!" You spoke happily before turning and speed walking away.



You decided to dress slightly nicer than usual, putting your hair up and slipping on a comfortable long skirt and striped shirt to match.

It was a nice restaurant and you wanted to look a bit nice, not wearing a pair of jeans or shorts, that would just look bad.

Being done, you grabbed your bag and left. It wasn't long before you arrived at the restaurant, as you entered and looked around you sighed in relief, seeing that your outfit fit in with the theme and style of the place.

"Uhm, reservation for Y/n L/n." You said to the Girl behind the counter.

She smiled and showed you the way. You were the first to arrive, sitting at the table and beginning to shuffle around a but in anticipation.

"Would you like some wine while you wait?" A male asked to you.

"Oh, sure, I guess I'll have some Rosè."

You watched the man walk away, and just then the waiter came, with a ever dull eyed Aizawa in tow.

He looked a bit more cleaned up, thankfully, he had his hair up and wore a dark elbow length shirt with slightly lighter pants.

"I'm not late am I?" He muttered, pulling out his wrist from his pocket to glance at a watch.

"No! I just got here early to make it easier, now sit, please" you spoke quickly, waving a hand around as you spoke.

He sat and a uncomfortable silence enveloped you both. You cleared your throat and started off some casual talk.

"So, hows life? Like, got anyone special or achieve any goals?"

He finally met his eyes with yours and gave a reply.

"Well, I dont have any goals that need achieving, and as for someone special-"

"Heres your wine, ma'am."

You watched as the fluid was poured into the proper glasses before being placed in front of the both of you.

"Thank you." You said to the man, he smiled and walked off to serve another table.

"I feel like I should clear up, I'm not interested in a relationship."

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