Ch. 9 * USJ

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"I take back everything I said, coming to the USJ was an absolute nightmare." You spoke, hands shaking as you fought off some villains.

Aizawa was dealing with a majority of them sense you were focused on keeping them from climbing the staircase to hurt the students.

Everything was going relatively smooth, considering the circumstances. That is until Aizawa got to the man with hands on his body.

He grabbed Aizawa's arm and the flesh chipped away to your horror. You rushed forward to help him as he backed away from the hand man.

He was lunging toward Aizawa again as more henchmen attacked and you, making a split second decision, stepped in his path like a human shield.

It was effective, the mans hand resting against your chest with a dark glint in his barely visible eyes from behind the hand on his face.

You clenched your teeth and coughed.

"Is that the best you can do?" You smirked cockily as blood trickled out of the corner of your mouth.

"L/n get back!" Azawa yelled to you as the hand villain gripped the fabric of your chest tightly, it dissolving as he did.

You grabbed his wrist tightly with both of your hands, forcing his hand to stay against you.

Biting your lip in pain as your flesh on your chest disintegrated, you turned around so his arm was over your shoulder and let out a shout as you hauled him into the air and slammed him down onto the hard paved floor of the USJ.

Blood dripped from your chest and mouth as you panted, the heel of you foot digging into his collarbone.

He grumbled in pain and distaste when you suddenly felt a presence behind you.

"Get down!" Aizawa shouted, kicking away a few of the henchmen.

You looked over your shoulder and felt your heart sink as a tall, muscle bulging monster stood there, looking straight at you.

It grabbed your head and through you away, your neck hurt excruciatingly and you were sure it was broken along with a few of your ribs.

You gasped in breaths as tears fell uncontrollably from your eyes. You hacked as wheezed, watching Aizawa try to fight the monster only to be pulverized into the ground.

"Those poor children, they dont deserve to see this, let alone go through it."

Your eyes moved to were Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta stood, eyes wide with horror. You cried quietly, knowing you had lost, any movement of your neck shot pain through your body and you were worried of being paralyzed or worse, accidentally severing your brain stem.

Dark spots in your eyes worried you as you felt the world slipping out from under you. You had no control over it and before long, you passed out.



There was a subtle beeping in your ears as you came to. Your neck felt stiff and your chest ached.

You blinked a few times before noticing a figure standing by the hospital bed.

"You're awake." They spoke.

"It would seem so." You sighed.

It went silent and the person stepped closer, finally, you were able to see him.

"Oh, you." You spoke.

"Would you rather I be someone else?" Aizawa sighed.

"I dont know. I feel odd, like I dont know how to feel about you." You answered.

"That's understandable. I guess I'll try to get to know you better now, I've been avoiding it for to long."

Your lungs no longer felt congested and there was no longer the need for you to cough.

Sighing, you knew what it meant.

"Sorry, Aizawa."

He looked at you questioningly.

"I dont love you."

He seemed disappointed at your words. Looking away to a vase of flowers sitting in the sunlight of an open window.


Your fingers twitch and you looked around awkwardly.

"I guess, though, I'd be willing to get to know you better too. Whose to say what I dont feel cant be felt again."

You saw him smile a bit before turning back to you.

"You have a point."

With that you smiled a bit and sat up.

"So let's give it a try."

Flowers *°*°*° Aizawa x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora