Ch. 5 * Wither

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You nearly choked on your drink.

"Not interested in a relationship? What like, you already have someone or just dont give two shits?"

He looked at you and you swallowed dryly.

"Sorry, that was a bit personal, you don't have to answer." You spoke.

"If you really must know I have enough of someone trying to date me."

"Huh?" You squeaked.

"Another woman, you might know her under the name Joke."

"Ms. Joke?"

You smiled, "Oh, I had no idea."

The rest of the dinner was quiet. Besides small talk before you had both finished and began to leave.

"This wasn't boring. But I prefer staying home honestly. I'm going now so dont get into any trouble, it's a pain to save people sometimes." He grumbled.

"Right. I'll stay out of trouble then. Ill see you later then?" You asked.

"Why did he make my Hope's rise like that just to say WHILE WE WERE ALREADY OUT that he wasn't interested? And what's with this Ms. Joke?"


"Huh? Yea?"

"I dont want to seem rude but. Let's not do this again."

"What do you-"

"I mean I dont actually care to hang out with you. No offense." And with that he left.

Left you standing on the sidewalk as the sun finally disappeared from sight. Left with the most hurtful sentence ringing in your ears that anyone had uttered to you before.

And it hurt.







The weekend didn't treat you kindly. To begin, on of your jobs that included taking down a villains heist ended with you getting stabbed in the gut.

It hurt but being a hero meant it didn't do anything to bad. And you were already good to teach, not that anyone had noticed your injury in the first place, having it taken place during no school.

You tried to forget what Aizawa had told you, not wanting to dwell on it for to long but at night you found yourself looking up at your ceiling while thinking about it.

By the time you had to get back to your job, teaching that is, you simply lightly bandaged your wound and slipped on a white button up shirt and black pants.

At school, it was the same as always, rowdy students and strange health lessons that you felt a little bit halfhearted about.

You were resting your head on the podium, feeling unusually tired after having to run down the hall to get extra paper from your desk in the lounge, trusting Iida to keep the class from causing the next tragedy.

You had made it back before anyone got killed fortunately. You had given them a worksheet that was a tad difficult just to distract them and make them not question why you were currently hunched over your teaching stand, at least that's what you thought.

"L/n sensei?"

You instantly stood up straight, looking around slightly before finding the source of the voice.

"Yes, Midoriya?" You asked.

The boy stood a bit to the side of the podium, looking up at you nervously.

"I was wondering what- murmurmur"

The words being spoken to you started failing and turning into useless nothings.

Then you watched as his eyes trailed down your torso before sticking on your stomach as his green eyes widened.

"The hell?"

"L/n sensei?!"

You looked down yourself and saw your white shirt stained with a dark red.

"Is that blood?"

You waved your hand a bit at the startled boy.

"Oh I'm fine... anyway...." you turned away from him, beginning to walk to the door.

"I think I just need to clean myself up a bit." You spoke, getting light headed.

"B-But L/n sensei, your bleeding alot!"


Now you had the classes attention.

"Oh Midoriya, you precious little shit why did you have to draw useless attention to me and make a scene"

Your hand rose to your bleeding stomach and you turned to smile at them.

"No need to worry, I'm fine."

"L/n sensei! If you are wounded you should go to recovery girl immediately!" Iida spoke up.

You sighed, "I suppose. But please stay here... I dont want..... any of you..... to-"

You had opened the door to the classroom and barely took a step out before your world turned black.

"Man. I really hope I'm dead or waking up is gonna be embarrassing."

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