The Magnificent Sunset

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Hey guys sorry for the slow upload! Next chapter won't take as long. Anyways has everyone heard little things? I hope so but if you haven't then watch it on the side >>>>>>>> and tell me what you think! If you have heard it then I recommend still listening cause well... IT'S SO FREAKIN BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! Well here's the chapter ENJOY!


"One more sandwich PLEASE!!!!!!" Niall begs me

"No you've had 5 already!" I tell him

"Ok fine." he says with a pout.

"Let go play volleyball" I tell him and instantly he pirks up and we walk to everyone else to play

"Hey we wanna join!" I say to everyone else

"Ok teams are..." Sarah says "Zayn, Liam, Conner, Jake, Katrina, Becca, Me, Dani and El against Harry, Niall, Louis, Julia, Trisha, Marwah, Perrie, Christian and Blake! Got it?" she asks

"Ish?" we all say

"Good enough!" Julia says and we break off into our teams.

"Team names?" I ask

"Sass masters!!!!!!" Louis yells out on behalf on his team

"What about us?" becca asks

"The winners" Zayn says with a smirk

"PEGASUS PRINCESS PONIESSS!!!!!!!" Jake says but we can't protest before Trisha serves the ball.


"Wooooohhhhhh!!!!!!!" we all yell when we win

"You got lucky!" Harry says

"Rematch!!!!!" Louis adds

"Fine" I say and we all huddle to guarantee our win

"Do what you did last game!" Sarah says and we all agree with her logic

"Ready, set, go!" Dani says when Perrie serves.

"Spike it!" Conner yells to the nearest person

"I got it!" I say and it seems like the whole world is in slow motion as my fist makes contact with the ball sending it flying in the air and to our luck, it hits the sand on the other side of the net.

-------------END DREAM--------------

"BOOOMMM!!!" the ball makes contact with the side of my face knocking me back to the reality that is my life.

"Oh my god are you ok?" Niall asks since he's the first to make it to me

"I think I'm fine" I say rubbing my cheek and standing up.

"You sure you're fine?" Sarah asks

"Yeah I'm sure" I tell her

"Ok well in that case..." she grabs the ball off the ground and runs away going into lockdown mode. "Lockdown!!!!!"

"What's she doing?" Zayn asks looking at the girl rocking back and forth on the sand with a volleyball between her arms

"She's trying to keep the ball away." I tell him

"Go ahead" Julia says "Try and take it away" she adds a smirk but he doesn't catch it

"Can I have the ball Sarah?" he asks her inching closer and closer

"No" she says with a glare.

"Just take it!" Louis yells and try's to take it from behind but when she turns around her arm whips and by accident hits him in the nuts

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!!!!!" she apologizes, realizing that she just hit Louis Tomlinson in the balls.

"That really hurts" he says, his voice high and we all burst out laughing.

"I mean..." he starts clearing his throat "That didn't hurt" he says in his most manly voice before hobbling away.

"Ok so I think we won" I say breaking the chuckling "Then again I may have lost a few brain cells when I got hit by the ball!" I say

"Yeah... Sorry about that" Liam says quietly

"It was you!?" I ask him

"Uh... Yeah"

"Whatever what're we gonna do now?" Niall asks

"I'm gonna check if Lou's okay!" El tells us

"What about us?" I ask

"Well I don't know about you guys but..." Niall says "I'm goin swimming" and he picks me up and runs to the water

"Put me down!!!" I scream pounding at his bare back and kicking the air in hopes of being let down.

"You sure?" he asks


"Ok" and he throws me into the water.

When my head comes to the surface I glare at him but jump and pull him down with me.


"The sun's coming down!" Julia calls to me to come out of the water.

"Ooh!" I say and pull Niall with me to the sand.

I grab from my purse a bullhorn

"What the?" he asks very confused

"Shhh!!!!!!" I quiet him and yell into the bullhorn "Everyone meet on the sand NOW!"

It doesn't take too long for everyone to come to us.

"What's goin' on?" Zayn asks me

"We're gonna watch the sunset!" I tell everyone

"Cool!" they all agree

"Ok but we need sticks, burnable leaves and big logs! Everyone split up"

Everyone goes to get something, most of the guys go to get logs, and the girl get leaves and sticks while Sarah and Julia stay at the beach to start a fire.

"Victory!" Sarah yells when a spark flies and catches the sticks on fire. We all sit on the logs around the fire with towels rapped around us as we watch the sky transform into the most beautiful thing ever seen. The blue sky turns purple with a hint of pink and grey clouds, the sun slowly setting on the calm waveless water is the brightest most radiant shade of orange.

"Beautiful!" Niall says

"Magnificent" Liam adds

"Breathtaking" Zayn whispers loud enough for us to hear

"Not as fabulous as my ass!" Louis says crushing the moment.

"Shut it" I give him a glare before looking back at the sunset that takes my breath away, and as Niall puts his arm around me I feel a sense of warmth.


"Shhhhh" I hear Liam quietly shush Niall as I feel someone pick me up. I hear a thick Irish accent and know it's him. I don't dare open my eyes because I know that if I do he'll put me down. I feel him walking up the stairs with footsteps following him. Suddenly I get put down on something soft, my bed. Niall kisses the top of my head but just before he leaves the room I open my eyes and say "Stay here with me" and as he lies beside me he replies



Hope you liked it! I know it's pretty short compared to the past couple of chapters but I'll try to make the next few longer.

The next chapter's gonna have 2 POVs from @iheartyouuhh (Becca) and @cookiemonstaaaahhhh (Marwah) so look forward to that!

Little Things and a pic of the sunset on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Till next time

WATCH LITTLE THINGS! Again... And again.... And again and again O.O

Wait for the little things video!!!! (Nov, 2)

AND EAT TACOS!!!! ...cause they're yummy...

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