Mended Broken Hearts ❤

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Hey guys I updated today like I promised!!! Yay! Didn't think I'd make it put I did! Sorry for the shortness of the chapter but I can't really control the size I just want the to end it always at the perfect part! But without further ado here is chapter 22!!!!


Katrina's POV

"Niall stop!" I blurted out before he opened the box. He stopped and stood up. "Look, I love you with all my heart! But we've only known each other for a week! I'm not ready to get married." I said to him. "Woah wait you think I'm going to propose?" he asked me. "Well yeah!" I told him. "No I'm not! I feel the same way, I love you but I'm not ready to get married... To anyone!" he said and bent down once again. Niall opened the box to reveal half a heart. "Uh why is there a broken heart?" I asked him. "Look!" he said taking it out of the box. Its a necklace with a silver chain. The heart is broken but it's really pretty coated in shiny red paint. "That's beautiful but why is it only half where's the other part?" I asked him. He pulled from him pocket a string bracelet with half a heart almost exactly like mine but more of a guy version. He pulled it out and put it beside the necklace. The 2 halves automatically stuck together to form the perfect heart. One half was red, big and shiny. The other half looked worn out, it was made of metal but the cracks along the side of each matched the other one. "Oh my god Niall!" I screamed. "These 2 halves are like us they're perfect together but broken when they're apart. So whenever the heart is whole so is mine and whenever the heart is broken then I am too." he said putting the chain around my neck. "I love it, and I love you!" she said and pushed her lips into mine. I picked her up and our lips melted together. We heard awes all around us as our lips separated. "Katrina... Do you love me?" I asked her. "Of course!" she replied. "Do you love me enough to stay with me? For 6 months?" I asked her. "What?" she asked me confused. "I want you to come on tour with me!" I told her. "I would love to!" she said "Go-" she cut me off "But..." she said and turned to her parents.

Katrina's POV

I waited for my parents to give me an answer. "Look pumpkin were just not sure if you'll be safe!" my dad said. "Dad I'm 18 now! I can take care of myself!" I said walking closer to him. "I know you can honey and we've seen that this young man is very caring it's just... 6 months is a long time to be away from your family!" my mom said. "Well we have 1 week and a few days before the tour! And Toronto is our first stop! So Katrina will be able to spend time with you before we leave! And its less than 6 months." Niall blurted into our conversation. "Well..." my mom hesitated and talked to my dad. "Of course you can pumpkin!" my dad told me. "AHHHHH!" I screamed jumping up and down, I grabbed Niall's face and crashed my lips into his. He lifted me up and spun me around. The 4 fans were screaming and when I went to hug the other guys an Paul they went to get autographs. I had finished all my hugs and Niall was done his signing so we ran to each other again, we sprinted Niall lifted me up spun me around I kissed him one last time before going to my parents. "Thank you so much!" I screamed and hugged them both. Then Paul came over.

Mikes POV

"I'm so happy that Katrina's coming! We will get her luggage from the airport and don't worry your daughter is in good hands!" he said. "Well good because I have a feeling she's going to be with him for a while!" I said looking at Katrina laughing with the 5 boys.

Katrina's POV

"I cant believe that I'm going with you guys on your north American tour!" I yelled. "Well believe it cause it's happening!" Zayn yelled. "And don't worry you won't be alone Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie are coming too!" Louis said reassuring me. "Cool!" I said still really happy. "Well are we gonna get going?" Harry asked. "Just wait!" I said running back to my family. I hugged my dad rely tight and he kissed my head. "Be safe!" he said "I will." I said smiling at him. I went and hugged my mom. "See you in a week honey!" she said and I moved to Jason. When I looked up at him and into his brown eyes my happiness went away. Even though it would only be a few days I would still miss him. I can't imagine 6 days without let alone 6 months! I gave him a huge hug and my head leaned on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss you!" I said chocking up. "I'm going to miss you too! But don't worry it's only a few days we'll have the big sad goodbye when you leave!" he says breaking the hug. I walk towards Niall "Hey take care of her!" Jason tells him. "Don't worry she's in good hands!" Niall said putting his arm around me and kissing the top of my head as we walked away.


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