Going home

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Hey guys so sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while 1. I just haven't remembered 2. I'm trying to enjoy what's left of summer vacation. So I do realize its been a while but it seems like the 10 day thing has become a regular thing haha. Also for the next 2 weeks I'm babysitting so I won't have time to write but I'll try to upload this weekend... Maybe. But anyways here is chapter 31!


"EWWW!!!!" Louis screamed waking everyone else up. Niall came over and sat in the row in front of us and just laughed, I joined in with him. Louis ran to the bathroom screaming along the way. Everyone else was awake from his ear piercing screams.

"So what exactly happened?" Niall asked confused.

"Well," I started taking a big breath "Lou and I were the only ones awake so he wanted to play truth or dare, in the end I gave in and he dared me to use the bathroom, when I didn't want to he picked me up and threw me in not letting me out I decided to go and it was... Ok but I was really dizzy and then I sat down and threw up on him." I ending with a giggle.

"Well looks like you two had fun!" Niall said. "The plane lands in 30 minutes." he informed me.

"Cool, I want to get away from here!" I said standing up and going to our original seats. Two flight attendants ran down to us and cleaned the seats covered in barf.

"Are you ok?" one asked me.

"Yeah I am" I told her "maybe" i finished quietly to Niall. He chuckled and I rested my head on his arm.


"Ok so who's coming to pick us up?" Niall asked me.

"My friend Julia and her boyfriend Conner." I told him finding my luggage and grabbing it.

"Ok cool. When are they coming?"

"Well Julia said 5:15 and it's..." I stopped to check my phone. "oh... 5:30." I said with a sigh.

"Well get your but moving and lets go!" he said grabbing his luggage. Zayn grabbed his and and we all got moving. Since we were already 15 minutes late we had to sprint.

"There are the doors!" Niall shouted.

"And Julia!" I added when I saw the girl looking at me, but she wasn't happy.

"Where the fuck have you been!" she yelled at me.

"Sorry! The plane was late!" I told her and she hesitated

"... Ok! I can't stay mad at you! I missed you!" she said and gave me a big hug.

"I missed you too!" I said hugging her back. "Hey Conner!" I waved to him and he waved back.

"Ok so everyone this is Julia downer." I said pointing to her. Julia has tanned skin and light brown curly hair, her eyes are hazel and shes short and sweet. Although she's small her heart is so big! And that's why she's my friend. "and Conner Adams." I continued and pointed to him. Conner has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Him and Julia have been dating for almost a year now and I notice that ever since then every day Julia has had a smile on her face.

"Ok so should we get going?" Julia asked us.

"Yeah." we all said in unison. We walked out the doors where there were cabs and cars including Conners F-150 pickup truck. Julia and Conner went in the front while the rest of us squished into the back.

"And now the phenomenon that has been sweeping the nation... One direction" I heard on the radio once we got on the highway.

"I've tried playing in cool, but when I'm looking at you. I can't ever be brave cause you make my heart race." Liam sang to the radio.


"Something's gotta get loud cause I'm dying just to make you see that I need you here with me now cause you've got that..." Zayn sang before we cut him of and burst out

"ONE THING!!!!!!" we laughed before continuing. "So get up get up get outta my head and fall into my arms instead, I don't I don't don't know what it is but I need that one thing yeah you've got that one thing." but before Nialls solo came I stopped him.

"Conner why aren't you singing?" I asked him.

"I don't know the song." he replied.

"Its not that hard." I said and waited for the right time. 'all day and all night' I heard the solo end.

"Something's gotta get loud cause I'm dying just to know your name and I need you here with me now..." I sang Louis solo and waited for him to continue.

"Cause you've got that one thing." Conner sang and we all cheered before continuing to sing. But out of the corner of my eye I saw Julia lightly kiss his cheek and smile before he smiled back.

We turned the corner to mineola road before I decided to tell everyone.

"Ok so guys I just want to say that I am NOT rich!" I said

"Oh shut up!" Julia said to me "Shes rich." she told everyone.

"NO IM NOT!" I argued. "My parents just... Saved their money!" I said.

"Sure enough to have practically won the lottery." Julia said sarcastically.

"Wait what?" Niall asked.

"I just have a big house that's all!" I said.

"*cough* rich *cough*" Julia said and smiled back at me before we came to the big black iron gate.

"The Kidd residence" Conner said and when I punched in the code, the gate opened to reveal my house which made everyone else's jaws drop.


Ok so I know it wasn't too much but... Well, I can't promise the next chapter will be longer because chances are it won't so... I'll upload whatever whenever! Haha, until next time enjoy summer vacation... If you're still on break, if not... Sorry! Ok bye

Your Secret's Safe With MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora