It's a Secret

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Hey guys how do you like it so far? I haven't gotten many comments so please I would really apprectiate it! I just want to know if I should keep writing!

After 15 minutes of running up and down stairs, in and out of doors, and going separate ways only to bump into each other after 2 minutes. Niall and I both sat there with our backs on the bathroom door with Greg locked in there after we chased his upstairs.

"" Niall asked me in between deep breaths. We were both huffing and puffing from running around the house.

"I don't know" I said slowly finally starting to catch my breath. "But I'm really hungry, how 'bout you?" I said touching my stomach as it started to groan.

"Yeah, I am hungry so do you want to have lunch now?" he asked me and we were staring into each other's eyes.

"Okay so where are we going?" I asked him.

"Oh I know, follow me!" he said getting up and starting to walk away from the bathroom and closer to the stairs.

"Um, what about Greg?" I asked him looking at the bathroom behind me.

"We'll let him go this time only!" Niall said walking closer to the door and emphasized the end so that Greg could hear. I giggled at the way that he said that sentence. "Let's go" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs. We went into the kitchen.

"Why are we in the kitchen?" I asked him very confused. "I thought that we were going to a restaurant."

"Hey I never said we were going to a restaurant I said we were going out for lunch." He said with an evil smirk on face.

"So tell me!" I yelled at him.

"I can't it's a secret!" he said still with that smirk on his face. I playfully punched his arm. He walked over to a drawer and pulled out a blindfold then walked over to me and put it on me.

"Niall what are you doing why do I have to wear a blindfold?" I asked him shying.

"I told you it's a secret" Niall said as he picked me up and put me on the counter. I heard him rummaging thought the cabinets then 15 minutes later he picked me up and brought me outside and into what I assumed was the car.

"Seriously where are we going Niall?" I asked him so anxious to get the blindfold off or at least know where he's taking me.

"Sorry, but that is classified information" he said in his movie voice which for the record I only knew from the video Sarah showed me. Hey speaking of Sarah I should text her and Julia to tell them how amazing this trip is and about my new 'boyfriend'. I loved hearing that! I pulled out my phone and started to text.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" he asked me as I hoped he still had his eyes on the road.

"I'm just telling my friends where I am." I said starting to text.

"You can seriously read text with a blindfold on!" Niall asked me as if it came as a shock to him.

"Uh yeah of course who doesn't?" I said making it sound obvious that I was someone who practically texted for a living. In my text I told them that I'm with Niall he's taking me to some random place we almost kissed I can now play what makes you beautiful on the guitar I painted his brother who when I last saw/heard him he was locked in the bathroom and my parents don't know, or care where the fudge I am. So yeah everything's chill in the world of Katrina! And I made sure to tell them that their boyfriends that they were rubbing in my face don't seem too cool anymore. Then I got a reply from Sarah saying woah and a reply from Julia who said a wonderful and reassuring what's the big deal? (She's never liked one direction and I guess she's a tensey bit jealous :P) I loved this life! Then my thoughts were interrupted by Niall.

"we're here" he got out of the car and walked over to my side probably seeing me struggle with what I thought was the door handle but was actually the glove box. Niall opened the door, we walked for a couple of minutes and I kept hearing Niall say stuff like "no too muddy, no too wet, no to hard, no too crowded, ah perfect" finally we stopped and Niall sat me down on the grass apologizing if it was wet then I sat there board while he was running around.

Suddenly without any warning Niall pulled off my blindfold.

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