What Makes You Beautiful

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Sorry for the long wait, I know it must be hard to stop at a time like this! So read on!!!!

"NIALL!" I screamed trying to stand up. It was hard, I had hit my head on the curb and...wait WTF I REMEMBER!!!!!!!! I totally forgot about the pain, I shot up, kicked the car then ran to Niall whose back was on a nearby tree. I went up to him, since I blacked out a lot I was taught how to do a lot of first aid. The rest of one direction just stood beside us watching Niall lye there.

"Niall can you hear me?" I asked him. When he didn't answer I shook him. He still didn't move.

"Ok, so he can't hear, feel, see so there's one thing that I can do. If this doesn't work then we need to take him to the hospital.

One direction's POV

The four of us stood there Niall with his eyes closed, and Katrina kneeling beside him. She was doing a mental checklist but talking out loud. She said a bunch of first aid stuff. Then she said that if something doesn't work that we'll have to take him to the hospital. But then she leaned in and listened to his heartbeat when she didn't hear it she leaned out pulled her hair back and leaned in again but this time not to check his heart beat but to...

Katrina's POV

I leaned in and kissed him to see if it really was like a fairy tale because that's how the past few days have gone! ;) I thought that he would just wake up but when that moment came that I was giving him CPR but nothing was happening I fell to the ground in an emotional heap. I started screaming and I rolled up into a ball. I stopped crying for 5 seconds and the other 4 guys just stared at me. I sat up sniffled and shot away all of my tears. I stood up and looked at the guys then said

"We need to get him to a hospital!" then when I tried to pick him up but failed miserably the curly haired one (Harry I think, he's Sarah's favorite) got Niall's legs and the dirty blonde (Liam maybe, Sarah always jokes how he looks like he could be my brother rather than Jason) got Niall's arms. Together they picked him up and ran as fast as they could out of the park with me and the 2 others close behind.


We got there in 10 minutes (longer than it took Niall to carry me here!) when we did, a nurse was there, riot was like she already knew me because right as soon as we got there she sighed and picked up the phone as soon as she saw Niall being carried but Harry and Liam. A stretched pulled up beside us and Niall was put on it. I thought how bad it would be for him because at one time he was in my position and right now I feel like I was punched in the heart.


I had called Jason and all 6 of us (including one direction) were sitting in the waiting room. The doctor came out of Niall's room and told us that we could come in. I stood up from the chair and walked into the room. I was shocked when I saw Niall. He was wearing a bright green cast on his leg, a light blue one on his arm, a red cast on his other leg. His head was also wrapped. I guess he might have a concussion! How could I do this to him? It's terrible. I started to cry the closer I got to him.

"Niall?" I asked him getting his only free hand and holding it. I swear if he doesn't remember me I will get a gun and shoot myself. He looked up at me. His eyes were bluer than ever.

"Yeah babe?" oh thank the lord!!! I felt like jumping up and down but for Niall's sake I didn't want to show him that I even had the tiniest doubts.

"Are you okay?" I sat next to him on the bed.

"Yeah just a bit sore." he sat up a bit. He looked over my shoulder.

"Hey lads!" he waved at them. They all waved back.

"So uh, could we have some privacy?" he told all the other guys. They walked out of the room and I looked at him with the 'wtf' look. He moaned as he pulled his body to look at me. He pulled the box out of his pocket. Holy shit he still has that? As he opened the medium sized box only big enough to fit in his pocket he said

"Katrina Kidd..." I saw the contents of the box and gasped as loud as possible. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

How did everyone like this chapter? I know that they're not very long but I like to stop them at just the right spot.

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