Zayn and his fear

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Hey! I'm only going to say THANK YOU FOR 10,000 READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really means a lot. Thanks for reading my book :) so here for you is chapter 35.


"You'll never take me alive!" Zayn yells as all 9 of us try to pry his hands from the railing.

"Alive?" Niall asks with a smirk. "Or dead" he adds.

"NOOOOOO" Zayn screams.

"Come on!!!! Just let go!" I say to him.

"NEVERRRRR" he replies.

"What's going on down here?" my mom asks sleepily walking down the stairs.

"Oh sorry we're just trying to take Zayn to the CN Tower." I say to her

"OH NO YOU WON'T!" he says hugging the railing

"Ok well could you keep it down? Today's my day off work." she says walking back upstairs.

We take one more tug at Zayn but to no avail we all let go.

"Ok you know what?" I say

"What?" they ask

"I'm calling Trisha and Blake." I say to mainly Sarah.

"Ooh great idea!" she says. I pull out my phone and call Trisha.

"Hello?" she picks up.

"Hey Trisha change of plans, you and Blake come over to my house now. We have a bit of a problem!" I say eyeing Zayn.

"Ok that's fine I'll just call him. We'll be over in 10" she says hanging up.

"Ok they're coming." I say.

"So what about everyone else?" Sarah asks.

"Well Marwah and Christian are going to beccas house along with Jake. We'll pick them up there and Julia was supposed to come with Conner already but I guess they're still getting ready." I say to her.

"Ok cool." she replies. "So now... We wait." Sarah adds and I lay down, arms spread on the cold floor.

After we had finished breakfast earlier we all went to take showers and get dressed. Then once we told Zayn to get in the car... The screaming started.

*ding dong* the doorbell rang

"Finally!" I say standing up and walking to the door.

"Hey hey hey!" Julia says walking through the door.

"It took ya long enough!" I said. "Any sign of Trisha and Blake?" I ask her but my question gets answered.

"HEY!" Trisha yells walking to us, her arm hooked to Blake's.

"Hey!" I say to her and give a big hug. "So Trisha and Blake this is Niall, Liam, his girlfriend Danielle, Harry, Zayn and Perrie and Louis and Eleanor." I say after the introductions. "Everyone this is Trisha Cho and her boyfriend Blake Collins." I point to them. Trisha with long wavy brown hair falling down her brown leather jacket matched with dark wash skinny jeans. Blake beside her with short black hair, a grey V-neck short sleeves shirt, and jeans.

"hey!" Niall waves and smiles at them.

"Ok well we should get going becca and Marwah are waiting." I say

"NO!!!! NEVERRRR!!!!!!" Zayn yells again and I look at Blake.

"I got it." he says walking over to Zayn. He picks him up and walks to the door.

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