Paparazzi hunting!

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Hey sorry it took so long and it's a bit short but I still have a bit of writers block! It's just so hard to figure out what to write! Anyways here it is!


We both read the article and as soon as I read the last word Niall gave me my phone and sat on the couch.

"Those people are gonna pay!" he yelled.

"Well how do we even know where to find them?" I asked him.

"I don't kn- wait!" he said standing up. "Katrina go change and meet me at the car in 5 minutes!" he said grabbing the keys and running out the door.

"Ok?" I said. I looked over at the guys and just shrugged. I went into my room. I changed quickly into vibrant blue shorts and a white blouse. I dried my hair which was the only thing I had time for, grabbed my phone and ran out the door and into the elevator. Jason dashing behind me slipped into the elevator before it closed. He didn't change yet but did dry his hair. He still had goo everywhere! And I just giggled, he stuck his tongue out at me and the door opened at the lobby. I ran to the parking lot where the guys were. Niall was in the drivers seat, Harry was in the back seat on his phone, Liam was trying to get Louis off the roof and Zayn was standing in the car with his head through the sun roof. I ran into the car and the rest of the guys came too. Niall quickly turned the car on and drove out of the parking lot. We flew down the street to wherever and I decided to text my friends. I started off with Sarah since I figured I wouldn't have time for the others and she was to most eager to hear from me. I looked at my phone and Sarah had texted me 5 times in the past half hour. The last thing she said was 'KATRINA NICOLE KIDD U GET UR ASS BACK TO TORONTO THIS SECOND!!!! And bring ur hot bf with u!' I giggled a little bit but knowing that it wasn't the best time I quickly stopped. Then I replied.

'Hey srry!!! And I'll be home soon, today's my last day I don't wanna tell Niall yet I just want our last day together to be special.' I sent it and within 2 seconds she sent back

'Aw!! Seriously ur not even gonna fight for him?'

'Ive tried!!!! But my mom just won't let me :('

'you've begged?'

'YES!! Don't I always?' 'Yeah! So how ya doin?'

'Good, other than that little thing Niall and I r doin fine although we're going to some secret place! Not sure where'

'OOH! Secret=romantic!'

'Well not exactly we're on a hunt for paparazzi!'


'Well they saw me and Niall sneak into a place and they said that I'm a bad influence! I just hope he doesn't go to extremes on this'

'wow well looks like you have an interesting time there!'

'Yeah the rest of the guys r here also' 'Woah! We gotta Skype later so I can see their sexy faces!'

'Ok? Anyways g2g! Bye!!!! And we will Skype I promise!'

'Cool see ya!' And I looked up to see a familiar house and face... There in the driveway of the house was Greg! We were at Niall's house for some reason. Niall quickly got out and went up to the big bush. He walked up to it and pulled out a guy with a camera! He held him by the collar and punched him right in the nose. He dropped the guy in the bush again shook his hand (must've hurt) and before he went into the car turned around to the guy and said

"Who's a bad influence now?"

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