Clumsy Sarah

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Hey guys here's the chapter, not much to say so I'll just let you read.


Chapter 34

"WHAT DO YOU SAY!" I yelled at the 2 boys hanging off hooks from their boxers.

"Sorry!!!!" they screamed with pain

"LOUDER!!!!!" I yelled enjoying every moment of it.

"WE'RE SORRY!!!!!!!" Louis cried.

"For?" I asked dragging on the apology.

"For putting on your bra!" Harry said

"I don't know... Is it good enough guys?" I asked turning around to everyone else sitting in chairs behind me. We were outside, Louis and Harry were hanging off hooks above the pool and I was just standing in front of them laughing.

"NOOOO!!!!!!!!" everyone else said.

"What about a dunk?" I asked the 2 idiots.

"Sure!" Louis agreed.

"Yeah you like that don't you! I could also just keep you hanging there for a couple..." I started

"Minutes." Sarah said unsure

"Hours!" Niall added.

"Days!" Julia said happily.

"Weeks." Zayn laughed evily.

"I like Sarah's answer!" Harry blurted out quickly. "Now take us down!!" he added.

"Well..." I hesitated but got saved

"Dinner!" Chansey called through the kitchen window.

"FOOD!!!!!!" Niall yelled and ran inside. We all followed leaving Lou and Harry.

"HEY WHAT ABOUT US?!" they yelled.

"Sorry!" I said before shutting the door behind me.

Sarah's POV

I walked inside behind everyone else. Without anyone seeing I slowly stepped back outside to help the guys.

"Sarah!" harry said and I couldn't help but blush.

"Help us down!" Louis yelps. I walk over to the side of the pool and observe the situation.

I lean and grab onto the guys while still having my feet on the ground.

"How do I get you down?" I ask

"Just unhook!" Harry tells me. I lean out and fiddle with the hook.

"NO NO NO!!!! WERE ABOVE THE-" Lou starts to say but it's too late I unhook both of them and when they fall in the pool I go with them.

Nialls POV

I pull out the chair and as I sit down we hear Louis yell followed by a loud splash. I look at Katrina, fear in her eyes. We stop for a second and sprint outside to see Sarah Louis and Harry in the pool.

"THIS IS SO FUN!!" Sarah yells happily.

"What happened?" Katrina asks them.

"Well I tried to unhook them but..." Sarah started but Katrina knew the answer

"I thought you'd have learned your lesson at camp in grade 8!" she told Sarah.

"Guess I didn't!" she said and splashed Harry.

"Well its dinner time and there's food so..." I started and ran to the door. Everyone else followed and the 3 in the pool hopped out and came with us.

Katrina's POV

"Where've you been?" my mom asks us as we sit down. "And I know I'll regret this but... Why are Sarah, Harry and Louis soaking wet?" she asks.

"Oh they fell in the pool." I said putting a chicken wing on my plate.

"Ok..." she says going back to her meal.

After we finished dinner I helped wash the dishes while the others went downstairs to decide on a movie to watch.

I finish up my hands looking like my grandmas, and all I have to do is listen for the laughing. I hear everyone else downstairs so I follow. When I get down stairs I go to the theater room and find everyone else.

"Hey babe!" Niall says looking back.

"Hey! Have you guys decided on a movie?" I ask them.

"Yeah the avengers!" Liam says.

"But that hasn't come out on DVD yet," I reply.

"And your point?" Zayn asks.

"We can't watch it!" I tell him.

"Oh wow! So funny, so cute." Louis says pinching my cheeks.

"I can tell there's something I don't get." I say.

"We can get it anyways!" Niall explains. "Because we're celebrities." he finishes.

"Awesome!!" I say. "Let get this party started, started" I sing doing the sprinkler.

"Don't do that again." Julia says and I nod.

Harry orders the movie and we all settle with some snacks. I put my head on Nialls shoulder as the movie starts.


The movie ends and I look at my phone.

"Wow 11 and I'm pooped. I'm just gonna go to bed." I say

"I should go home." Julia says.

"Me too." Sarah adds.

We walk upstairs and after we say goodbye to Julia and Sarah we all part and go to our rooms.

"G'night babe." Niall says kissing the top of my hear lightly.

"Night Niall." I say and smile before walking to my bed. I look through my closet and get grey sweats, a dark blue tank top and put my hair up in a messy bun. I climb into bed and shut off my light. The sheets are cold but they soon warm up and within minutes I'm out like a light.

-----------IN THE MORNING------------

*sniff sniff* I open my eyes and smell one more time. *sniff sniff* "pancakes?" I think to myself. I throw off the covers, run out the door and fly down the stairs as fast as I can. When I reach the kitchen I see Niall setting the table, Harry flipping pancakes and Sarah watching him dreamily.

"Morning." I say to them walking through the door.

"Hey babe" Niall says and plants a light kiss on my lips.

"Those pancakes smell good." I say to Harry once I realize I'm being stared at.

"Yeah I made them myself." he says.

"Golden brown, nice" I compliment him.

"All done." he says putting the last one on the plate and passing it to Niall.

Everyone else comes slowly until we're all sitting at the table eating.

"So what're we doing today?" Louis asks.

"Well I was thinking I could show you guys the CN Tower!" I say. But something's wrong because Zayn whimpers "Tower?" with a look of fear across his face.


There it is, I know it's not much but I promise the next few chapters will be awesome! I have so many amazing and hilarious ideas for the week in Toronto so cant wait for you guys to read!

Picture of the house on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Peace ✌

Love ❤

Rubber gloves!

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