Canadas Wonderland

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Some drama and funnyness happenin' in this chapter but it continues next!

I stood there in shock. How could Katrina not know who I was?

"Uh, I'm Niall your boyfriend!" I told her walking closer to the bed and seeing if she would point out that last part.

"Um, sorry but I don't remember." I couldn't believe this just when things got good in my life because of one cookie that I made, wait this is my fault it's because of the cookie and I made the cookie!!!! I felt like shooting myself. I was about to say something to her when Jason walked into the room.

"Hey looks like the two love birds have been reunited again!"

Katrina's POV

I didn't know what was going on but just after some guy that says he's my boyfriend talked to me another guy with brown hair bursts in and calls two people love birds, I think he was talking about the guy... Niall? Well I would hate to be the other love bird with him! He seemed so weird and kinda confident but not in a good way he was WAY too confident like he could get any girl, I wonder why?

Niall's POV

She just sat there giggling at Jason, but I don't think she remembers him either.

"So do you remember him?" I asked Katrina pointing to Jason.

"Uh no I'm sorry, but could you please tell me something?" she asked me. I felt so much hope in me so I quickly said.

"Yeah!" I yelled beaming with hope.

"Well where am I? Like I can see that it's a hospital but what am I doing here? What happened to me? Am I still in Toronto?" I was so surprised, she only remembered things about herself, but only the basics she didn't even remember her own brother! Then Jason finally asked me what was going on. So I told him

"Well obviously your sister has lost her memory because of the peanuts." Then he was finally on the same page as me.

"Oh shiz, also to make matters worse it's 3:30!" he yelled and as something clicked in my mind his phone rang and it was their mom wondering where they were. Man we're screwed.

Jason's POV

My phone rang and it was my mom, I thought I was going to die. But I picked it up,

"Hey mom" I said in a shaky tone,

"Jason Kidd where are you and your sister you are half an hour late!" I was so scared, what would she do to us?

"Well uh, we are at... Canada's Wonderland!" I said and once I realized what I had said I ended the call and screamed. Niall looked at me, he was also freaking out.

Niall's POV

Oh my god did he just say that? We aren't even in Canada! That guy seriously is stupid. But I right away pushed that out of my mind because I wanted to help Katrina. So what I did is I found a doctor and told him.

"Well we can do some tests but it'll be hard, there's no guarantee that she will get it back." then my heart sank. But I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever I could to bring back her memory; I would recreate everything that we did together, to make her fall in love with me again.

---------------------------------5 MINUTES LATER--------------------------------------

Jason and I were sitting in chairs while Katrina was watching TV and laughing. It was a good thing that she stayed the same happy person that she was before. Then suddenly her mom barged into it the room.

"Ah ha, I knew you were up to something the second you said Canada's wonderland! And what is he doing here!" she pointed to me.

"I knew that you were with him, you never want to go see tourist stuff!" she yelled at Katrina.

"And who are you?" she said looking confused at her own mom. Then Jason cleared everything up for her.

"Wait so she had peanut butter? And she was on a date with him? And also why doesn't she remember me?" she yelled sitting beside Jason. "So this is your fault!" she looked at me. Then because I couldn't speak Jason told her.

"Well mom yes he did give her the cookie" Jason started but was cut off by his mom.

"Aha!" she yelled then Jason finished.

"Okay, but he's also the one that carried her 5 kilometers to the hospital before she died. And the reason she doesn't know who you are is that well... she lost her memory, she knows everything about herself but not me or Niall!" Jason sat back down taking a deep breath.

"Fine, Niall you may see my daughter." she said I jumped out of my chair.

"YES!!!!" I screamed. She was standing there watching me.

"Only to get her memory back! Once you've done that then we'll talk." I thought this would be easy all I have to do is get her memory.

------------------------------------3 DAYS LATER-----------------------------------------

We walked through the door Jason and I slumped down on the couch.

"I can't believe that we tried everything possible in this world and nothing worked!" he said looking over to me.

"Yeah I know! How is this possible?" I said, Katrina stood in front of Jason then he stood up and told her.

"Why can't you just magically remember stuff! Ugh" Then after that he smacked her in the head, and no one could predict what happened next.

"OW, Jason why the fudge would you do that!!" she said.

"Wait you remember me?" he asked starting to jump up and down.

"Yes, yes I do and do you want to hear what I also know?" she said Jason leaned in closer.

"THAT YOURE AN IDIOT!!!" she slapped Jason on the side of the face then sat down. My heart rose to the sky.

"So do you remember me?" I asked her turning my whole body.

"Uh, still no but sorry." Then at that moment my heart dropped to the floor and shattered into 1 million pieces that were meant to be forgotten forever.

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