"We don't want to hurt you!" One of the Roses yelled.

"Like hell!" Youngjae yelled back before attempting to shoot them in the arm. He hit and they immediately dropped their gun.

The other Rose showed themself good enough for Youngjae to get a headshot. The man fell and crashed through a glass table.

Youngjae ran out and saw the last Rose, they sat there helplessly. As Youngjae approached, they kicked their forgotten gun towards him.

They looked up at Youngjae, clutching their arm, and spoke softly, "Do it."

"Why did you say that before?"

"Because if you were to die, the death that would come to me by the hands of the upper Roses would be Hell. A death being shot by you, that is mercy. You showed mercy to us all."


"You want to know how Black Rose has so many members that would die without thinking? It's because the deaths at the hands of you Divinity members are gracious compared to what could await us. Fear grips every Rose's heart, they kill the people we care about most to assure loyalty, they make us watch the gruesome and terrible things they do. Then, they tell us our death will be even worst if we disobey." The Rose smiled at Youngjae, "You are an angel that was sent from God to take me to Hell mercifully. I accept it."

Youngjae sighed, "Tell me what Hell is like." He kneeled and put the gun against their forehead.

"I will and I will be there to greet you," they spoke before Youngjae shot them at point-blank range. Their blood splashed on Youngjae's face and body, mixing with what was already there.

They died smiling.

Youngjae put the gun back into the holster. He searched the person's pockets and there were the keys to the car. Youngjae took them and slide them into his pocket. He stood up and wiped his face.

It didn't take a genius to learn that the six roses he killed today lived here together. The house was well lived in, it was a home. A home of six people who came together after losing it all. Youngjae walked up the stairs and walked into a room.

It was a bedroom. In the corner, a small desk sat with a picture and a few books. Youngjae walked over and picked up the photo, it was a picture of the last rose he killed. They were hugging a man, a baby was in the man's hands and two small kids were in front of them. Another picture of the showed the Rose with two elderly people, Youngjae assumed it to be their parents. A book on the table had the name "Taeyeon". He sat the picture down and made his way downstairs.

No longer did Youngjae just fight BlackRose for the sake of a friend. He found a newfound determination to destroy them and kill Mark. For Taeyeon and all the other Roses separated from those they loved.


"You look rather dashing in that suit, Jaebeom," Mark licked his lips looking at the assassin as he walked to Mark's table.

"Don't play with me right now."

Mark giggled, "Sit."

Jaebeom sat in the soft velvet seat. The restaurant was pleasantly full of many of the upper class of Korea.

"How many Roses do you have here?"

"Why do you need to know? Are you going to try something?" Mark asked narrowing his eyes.

Jaebeom shook his head, "No but by where we are sitting there's one sitting directing behind me, three on each of my sides, the waiter that we receive will be a Rose, the greeter was one, the bartender too and there's probably more posted in the kitchen."

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