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yoongi was in shock.

like, literally in awe.

where was the goddamn eye bleach when he fucking needed it?!

shh, yoongi. calm down, it's not like you just saw jimin sucking taehyung's dick or anything-

that's exactly what he just saw!

yoongi was shouting to himself in his head, thoughts laced with disgust. he was happy for them, okay, yes, they were both obvious as fuck when it came to their feelings for eachother. but did they have to do it now, in the backstage bathroom?! yoongi just wanted to piss, for god's sake, not walk in on some porno shooting! lock the fucking door!

yoongi shook his head incredulously, murmuring something about 'horny bastards who couldn't keep it in their pants', when jungkook's came up behind him and startled him by giving him a firm back hug.

the elder tilted his head back to face jungkook, locking eyes with him and being met with those familiar pools of chocolate; he blushed, murmuring, "i still get butterflies when you look at me like that."
"well you've got to get used to it babe, because i'll never stop."

yoongi giggled, a high-pitched sound that made jungkook want to protect him from everything the world would throw at him. "love you, kookie."
the elder went up on tiptoe to peck jungkook on the tip of his nose, freeing himself from the embrace shortly after.

he turned around, muttering lowly, "jimin's sucking tae off in there, i don't think you wanna go in."
"if i ever have to witness that one of them is getting a baseball bat to the dick."
yoongi chuckled deeply, taking jungkook by his slightly larger palm and leading him away from the two boys with a shudder.

yoongi brought him into centre stage, wrapping his arms around his torso and bringing himself in close; jungkook tugged him in too, chin resting atop his head, no space between either of their bodies and heat expelling from each of them.

the air was warm, charged with an electricity that always simmered between the couple when they were together. the black stage floor was reflecting the sunlight, the only sound being their soft breathing and the tinny ruckus of the cars outside of the stadium.

"how the fuck did we manage to sell out wembley?"
jungkook's pink lips curved upwards, "i know, right?"
yoongi closed his eyes for a moment, body leaning forward to rest fully onto jungkook's chest. "ninety thousand people, kookie. ninety thousand. it's gonna be huge."

the youngest could hear the tinge of anxiousness in yoongi's voice, his hand coming to play with the baby hairs on the back of his neck; the action made goosebumps break out all over yoongi's body, hairs rising up on his arms. "yeah, it's big. but we can do it."

yoongi didn't reply to his statement, but jungkook felt him tense against his body. "hey, babe, don't worry. we'll be fine."
"i know we will."
yoongi tried to make his voice upbeat and cheery, but it came out too forced and breezy. jungkook could see right through him.

"it's okay to be nervous, kitten. we all are. but you have to know we're good enough."
"i know you are."
jungkook sighed, kissing yoongi firmly on the head, "you're good enough too, baby. do i have to repeat what i did this morning?"

yoongi blushed a cute pink, shaking his head, "i know i'm good enough. it's just... there's so many people. how are we gonna please all of them?"
jungkook tutted, pulling the shorter away and holding him at arms length; he observed his face closely, watching out for any signs of distress.

"babe, we will please them. they bought tickets for a reason."
"yeah, i know."
yoongi shook jungkook's hand off, snaking his arms over the back of his neck and tugging him in for a kiss. their lips meshed together just as the speakers were turned on with a screech, their manager yelling, "split it up, lovebirds, we have to get back to work!"

yoongi giggled against jungkook's lips, the vibration radiating through him and causing tingles to break out over his body, before forcing himself away and retreating back.

while yoongi was rehearsing for seesaw jungkook sat in the audience, on a plastic chair near the front, admiring his beautiful boyfriend from afar. his eyes raked up and down his perfect body, his lean legs, pale skin. his eyes were shut, mic brought up to his mouth as he rapped out with such emotion and intensity that jungkook was entranced at his ability.

yoongi had a way with his words that made everyone feel the same as he did, especially when expressed in song form. he always put so much effort into producing and writing their songs, always made sure the concept was relatable and close to his heart; the elder never wrote phony lyrics for money, to please other people.

all of yoongi's work hit differently, even though they blended in with the songs on the album. agust d, in jungkook's opinion, was a way of yoongi speaking out to the world and saying he wasn't their pet. he wasn't perfect, he struggled too, he was human in every sense of the word and he deserved the same things everyone else did.

jungkook's flicked himself out of his trance by pinching his hand sharply, the blur around his eyes melting away and falling back on to yoongi's form. he had just gotten to the chorus now, half-heartedly doing the dance moves with such a bored expression on his face that jungkook had to hold back a laugh.

yoongi may love rapping, even half-singing sometimes, but dancing was like his kryptonite. he hated it, even though he tried his best with the audience around. yoongi briefly locked eyes with him and couldn't help his lips curving up, joy twinkling in his eyes.

he felt a nudge in his shoulder and a chair was being scraped over to him, namjoon's face appearing in his peripheral vision. "you look like you're gonna melt."
jungkook chuckled, hands coming to cradle his chin as he rested on them, "i won't, you won't wanna have to clear that up."

namjoon rolled his eyes, before he too turned his attention and let their surroundings be filled up with the sound of the rapper's voice.

jungkook's mind had wandered again.

he was going to propose to yoongi that night, he decided. he physically couldn't wait any longer, needed yoongi to be his and his only.

he thumbed around the velvet box once more, lost in thought.

yeah, that night would do just fine.

a.n: not bad for a rushed chapter but that's okay :/ (stay safe y'all)

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