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it had been over two months since jungkook's little breakdown, and the youngest had seemed to be doing fine ever since; he was smiley, always supporting other if needed.

over those eight weeks they had work piled up to their hair, interviews and concerts and photoshoots and livestreams. all of it was an intricate act, making them look perfect for the press and for everyone else.

the video had somewhat been forgotten about, getting mentioned every now and then but nowhere near as much as before.

yoongi got a call in the middle of the night, groaning as he reached over to pick it up; jungkook's voice came through the phone, slurred as he giggled to himself, "yoongi-hyunggg...!"

yoongi sat up, rubbing his eyes and groaning. they had been put in separate hotels as one of them was fully booked, so yoongi, namjoon and hoseok were in one while the vocalists were in the other. he instantly knew something wasn't right, because jungkook was too respectful to call in the middle of the night.

yoongi grunted in response, swinging his legs off of the bed, "i love youuuu, hyungie."
jungkook giggled to himself again, and the sound of someone swallowing something came from the other end of the phone.

the elder was pulling on his shoes, grabbing his coat and escaping his room with his keycard. "why are you calling, kook?"
"jus' wanted to hear your voice!"
jungkook took a swig of whatever he was drinking again, and yoongi picked up the pace. the hotel was a short walk away, about ten minutes, and it was the middle of the night; 2:54 am.

no one would notice him if he pulled his hood up and kept his head well down. so he sped over to jungkook's hotel, keeping the youngest on the phone just in case something bad happened.

he arrived at the hotel and passed through the turning door, the lights pricking at his eyes a little. he pulled down his hood, and the hotel staff immediately recognised him and nodded in greeting.

he approached a female worker, her hair shiny and clean, keeping the phone by his ear, murmuring, "do you know what room jeon jungkook is in?"
"room 134, sir."
"thank you."

yoongi cursed his broken english but shook it off. jungkook was more important right now.

the elder made his way up the stairs until he found room 134, knocking gently on the door and calling out, after hanging up, "it's hyung, kookie."
there was stumbling coming from inside the room, then the door opened and there jungkook was, red faced and leaning on the doorframe for support.

yoongi pushed him back inside, closing the door behind him so no one could hear their conversation. he eyed the three empty bottles of soju, a fourth being a quarter depleted. hands were then wrapping around his waist, pulling him back and kissing his ear.

"let go of me, kookie, i have to put my coat somewhere first."
jungkook released him, tugging off the thermal wear for him before dropping it to the floor and hugging him tighlty again, "love you so much, hyungie."
jungkook giggled to himself once more, kissing yoongi on the back of the neck.

yoongi swivelled himself round, observing jungkook's face; his cheeks were red and shiny, pupils enlarged. yep, he was definitely drunk. "why'd you drink so much, kook?"
"jus' fel' like it."
jungkook kissed him harshly on the lips, his tongue tasting like alcohol and yoongi cringed, pushing him away.

jungkook smiled, hands going down to squeeze yoongi's ass and the elder yelped, hitting him away, "stop that!"
yoongi seperated himself from his intoxicated boyfriend.

he picked up the bottles of soju, including the full one, and placing them in the bath in the ensuite bathroom. jungkook stumbled after him, tripping over his own feet, grabbing yoongi by the hand and falling onto the bed with him.

the youngest cut him off by climbing on top of him and connecting their lips, the alcohol in his mouth less prominent but still there. yoongi responded to it this time, hands locking around his neck and pulling him down closer.

after a few minutes it got more heated, jungkook's hands going under yoongi's shirt and tracing over the faint outline of his abs. he brought his hips down gently, making contact against yoongi's, and that's when the elder broke the long kiss, breathing heavily.

jungkook just started kissing down his neck now, suckling just enough to leave no marks, continuing his actions. "kook," yoongi whined weakly, "we can't do this now."
"yeah, we can."
jungkook went to remove his shirt but yoongi stopped him, gazing up into his eyes.

"you're drunk, kookie. you'll do something you regret."
jungkook shook his head, capturing yoongi's lips once more, pulling his own shirt above his head and tossing it to the floor. "kook! stop!"
yoongi wormed out of his grip, eyes lingering on his chest, making jungkook pout and cross his arms.

"i'm sorry, bunny, you know how much i'd want to but we have a rehearsal for a concert tomorrow."
jungkook shrugged, nearing him again, "i'll be gentle."
"that's not the point! you're gonna have one hell of a hangover, and i don't wanna be sore in addition to that!"

jungkook sighed, flopping down onto the bed, still shirtless, sweatpants riding up to expose his ankles. yoongi rolled his eyes exasperated, hand rubbing his boyfriends thigh, "just get some sleep, alright?"

the youngest nodded, hair spread out over a pillow like an ebony halo, hand going to cling to yoongi's; he seemed to be sobering up a little as he said this, "i really do love you, babe. i'm sorry i got drunk."

"it's okay, kook. just sleep, please, and talk to me in the morning."
"i'm sorry for trying to have sex with you."
"don't apologise, i would have enjoyed it and gone through with it in any other circumstance."

jungkook's eyes slowly started close as yoongi slowly moved his hand back and forth through his hair, the one touch making him let out a small exhale.

yoongi felt peaceful and relaxed, kissing jungkook's head, smiling at the youngest. he was dreading how grumpy jungkook was going to be in the morning, his head would be killing him.

"good night, bunny."

he lay down next to the drunken boy, trying to stop the rabid thoughts that flashed behind his eyelids. he heard jungkook murmur something in his sleep, smiling to himself and shushing the youngest placidly.

he was going to marry jeon jungkook, he decided. he loved him so much, even more than he loved himself, and he wanted to be with him for the rest of his life. he knew jungkook had a long history of one night stands, but he didn't care. he would prove everyone else wrong.

yoongi cuddled himself closer, letting jungkook squeeze his torso with his strong arms. he wouldn't sleep, he knew it, too awake and worrying about taking care of his boyfriend.

so he sighed, blissfully, wondering just how much he would do for jungkook.

he chuckled, because he knew he would do anything.

a.n: i'm shit so this is too

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