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"Hey yourself." Matt said to Stevie as she approached him.

"Sorry about earlier, he was being an asshole." Stevie told Matt, she didn't even want to say his name because she was still pissed at him.

Matt chuckled and Stevie smiled at that. She missed how close they used to be and wanted to have that feeling with someone else. Riley was great and all but it was good to have more than one friend. She couldn't depend on Riley her whole life to always be there for her.

"Hey, no worries. I totally get it, he's really into you." Matt remarked giving her an encouraging look.

Stevie shook her head and glanced at the ground. There was no way Luke liked her, no way at all. He said that he didn't even want to fuck her - and if he didn't want to do that there was no way he'd want to start a relationship with her. She saw Matt was shuffling his feet and decided it was time to say something.

"We aren't together, we barely know each other. I wouldn't even say we're friends." Stevie tells Matt, she hopes that's what he wants to hear. It had been a while since Jack died but she hoped Matt didn't think she was moving on too fast. It didn't really matter what Matt thought about her personal relationships but she respected him as a person and did not want him to think ill of her.

"Don't worry, it's cool. So you wanna grab a bite?" He asked her. Stevie was so comfortable with Matt already that it scared her. It shouldn't be like this after they hadn't seen each other in so long.

"I'm not hungry, we could grab a coffee. But if you haven't eaten we could get some food." Stevie offered. She was now nervous because she really didn't want this outing with Matt to be a long one and dinner probably would make it.

"Coffee sounds good to me." Matt told her and they started walking.


They didn't end up going out for coffee but instead to a bar. Matt and Stevie both had fake IDs. When Stevie saw Matt's she knew it was one of Jack's. He didn't sell them as a business he was just really good at making counterfeit licences. Matt was his best friend so obviously he would have made Matt one. When they walked into the bar they sat on a few stools near the end as the rest of the bar was full. It was a Friday night after all.

"So how are things?" Stevie asked Matt.

Matt took a sip of his Coca-Cola, he thought if he had gotten alcohol he'd get a massive hangover and didn't want to ruin the rest of his weekend. Stevie got some so she'd probably end up with a bad hangover if she drank a lot. She wasn't planning on it but it may happen depending on how the night went. She really wanted to forget about Luke and everything about him. But after the bus ride here she could not stop thinking about him. She was not supposed to meet someone who she felt a connection to, that was not part of the plan. And alcohol was not the way to forget someone - sure it was a temporary solution for the Luke issue but she'd remember him in the morning. 

"Everything going as well as it can be, I guess... I got into Ohio State on a scholarship." He smiled proudly. Stevie could just imagine how great this must be for him.

"For football right?" She just wanted confirmation, Matt had been playing football for as long as she could imagine.

"No, baseball." He stated taking another sip from his drink.

Stevie's eyebrows furrowed together and a small smirk appeared on Matt's face.

"You ac-ctually believed that?" Matt gasped through laughter. Stevie rolled her eyes, sure she was a little bit gullible. Matt was also a pretty convincing liar.

"Well, I- never mind I'm not going to come up with some lame excuse for why I'm really gullible." Stevie feeling defeated admitted. She drank some more and as she glanced past Matt she saw a sight that didn't necessarily surprise her but she wasn't expecting it at the same time. Luke. He was sitting about a dozen seats down. Of course he'd be at a bar, he fit that particular guy (fuckboy) description. She didn't like to stereotype people but it he was a spitting image of one. There were two girls he seemed to be talking to. One completely interested in his, she was sticking her breasts right out for his pleasure. Stevie mentally applauded the girl for using what she's got because Stevie did not have big boobs or nice boobs at all. If she was fuller in the chest she'd be flaunting them all the time. The other girl on the other hand one was rolling her eyes. Stevie could she by the girl's body language that she was not impressed. 

"Stevie?" Matt asked, she wondered how long she'd been staring at Luke. It was obviously long enough for Matt to notice. 

"Is that-"

"Luke, yeah." Stevie cut him off. "Sorry, I should've been paying attention to you." 

Matt turned around and looked at Luke. Stevie saw the grip on his glass become tighter and she didn't know what that meant.

"If you want to talk to him, go ahead." Matt offered but Stevie immediately shook her head in refusal. If she talked to him she'd been giving in to his inexcusable behaviour and even though she wanted to she couldn't. She had too much pride to do that to herself.

"It's fine, he seems like he's enjoying himself." She answered Matt. "Wouldn't want to spoil his night." She bitterly remarked.

"Stevie..." Matt sighed.

"Matt, it's alright. I'm fine." I reply looking past him and straight back at Luke. A new person seemed to have joined the conversation and I recognized him instantly. It was Calum. And after a few minutes they had left without the two girls. That was another surprise. She let her glance focus on Matt who was not facing her anymore. He was facing the bartender and his face was emotionless. She didn't know what to do.

"Sorry." She slowly said and pressed her eyes shut. She tried to put her hand on his shoulder but he pulled away.

"I'll see you later, Stevie." Matt spoke as he got up and walked away.


guys i have to apologize it's been months. i'm an awful person i'm so sorry. i don't know what else to say, so sorry.

thanks for reading.

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