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"Wake up boobie."

Riley groaned before rolling over and rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked Stevie. Riley put her hand onto her head and have herself a massage. Stevie reached for her phone to check the time.

"It's - oh shit." Stevie cussed which caused Riley to turn over and face her best friend.

"What? Did we miss someone?" Riley asked Stevie letting out a small groan.

The two of them had a tendency of sleeping in and missing a lot of important events. For instance they almost missed their high school graduation but luckily Stevie's brother, Tony, had woken them up just in time. Stevie knew Riley had a crush on Tony. Everyone had a crush on Tony, however he was a player so Stevie warned him to stay away from Riley. It was funny because she thought they'd make a really good couple but at the same time she didn't know what would happen if they broke up. She didn't want to have to choose between her best friend and brother.

Tony was known as being a player. Stevie accepted that. The only thing she couldn't take was when people called him "heartless" or a "jerk" because that was the last thing he was. He was there for Stevie no matter what. He was brilliant and always helped Stevie with her homework, back in high school. And when she used to go out partying she could call Tony at any time at night or in the morning and he would be on his way to get her. Even when he didn't have his car, he'd walk there pick her up and they'd walk home together. He really took care of her and she'd forever be grateful for that.

Jules on the other hand was Stevie's younger sister. She was distant from both Stevie and Tony. They were always really similar in high school: partying all the time. Whereas Jules was more into her studies. Stevie didn't mind, she wished she was more like Jules.

"Stevie?" Riley asked her, she'd zoned out.

"Sorry, I just have 6 missed calls from my Mum and 4 from Tone." Stevie notified Riley. "I was supposed to call them when we arrived but I forgot to because of..."

"Yeah. Shit. Call them now then." Riley suggested as Stevie picked up her phone and being to unzip their tent.

"Wait, you didn't tell me the time." Riley shouted after her.

"It's 10:32." She smiled at Riley before looking at her phone and debating who to call.

"Do you have any Advil by chance?" Riley asked her.

"Yeah. In the small pocket of my bag." Stevie replied.

She thought it'd be best to call Tony first so that he'd let her know if their Mum was still upset or not.

After a few rings Tony picked up.

"Hello?" His voice sounded groggily and Riley assumed he'd just woken up. Tony usually slept in, especially since he'd just finished exams he was free to do whatever he wanted. She actually begged him to come to Coachella with him but he refused by saying that he didn't want to interrupt Riley and Stevie's "bonding time."

"Hey, Tone. It's Stevie." She spoke into her phone. She heard muffling on the other side which confirmed her assumption that he was just getting out of bed.

"Yeah. I know loser, I have caller ID." He laughed. "How's it going?"

"It's good! Pretty exciting. I wish you came though." She told him honestly. They were the closest bunch of siblings she knew and she really missed her brother when he went to University. He'd only been back a few days before she had to leave for Coachella.

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