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"Boo!" Luke replied hugging his best friend.

"It's been too long." Calum cooed.

"Cut the shit out you two it's barely been over a week." Michael growled at the two of them. Like assumed he was just jealous that Ashton didn't show him that type of love.

"Awh Mikey, you want some of this." Luke ran over to Michael and hugged him.

"Fuck off. Did I give you permission to touch me?" Michael spat at Luke rolling his eyes.

They had an odd relationship but Luke still treasured it very deeply. Him and Michael used to hate each other but now they were the best of mates. It was sort of weird how the two of them became friends but nevertheless he was happy they did.

"I love you Mikey." Calum came over to them and hugged Michael.

"Awh I love you too, Calypoo."

"Why the fuck does he get a hug and a nickname and I get 'fuck off'." Luke angrily growled. To be honest it bugged him a bit. He always felt like the awkward man out in the band. Him and Calum used to be really close but recently they'd be growing apart.

"Hey. I've got a nickname for you." Michael said releasing Calum and facing Luke. He had a sinister smile on his face which was the opposite of Luke's.

Luke became really exited. "Yeah? What is it?" He was anxious to know.

"Asshole!" Michael laughed as well as Calum. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Ashton letting out a small chuckle.

It angered Luke that none of his friends could ever take him seriously. He was known to be the most serious by the fans yet in front of his best friends they just made fun of him for that.

"You know what. Fuck- fuck you all." Luke shouted and stormed away.

"Luke!" He heard Calum shout after him.

"We were only joking." Luke also heard Ashton call out.

Luke continued to walk away, the last few things that his friends called out to him didn't phase him. He was angry. He needed to get away. He didn't know why he constantly took crap from them. Luke knew that as soon as he got back to them they'd apologize and all would be dandy and then the next day the same thing would happen. This had occurred so many times Luke was used to it.

Luke was still walking when he bumped into someone unexpectedly.

"Fuck." Luke let out as he felt a cold beverage spill on him.

"Fuck yourself." The person said. "That cost a whole of $5."

Luke looked up at the person.

"Riley?" He exclaimed shocked.

"Oh it's you dickhead." Riley rolled her eyes at him.

"What? Why am I the dickhead?" Luke asked. He actually wasn't upset by Riley calling him that he just more surprised. She'd never called him that and she actually seemed to be genuinely pissed at him.

"Seriously, piss of Luke." Riley stated walking away as she looked down at her white shirt that was now stained orange.

"No wait. Hold up. Riley." Luke said jogging after her. He noticed she began to pick up her pace causing him to race up even faster.

"What do you want Luke?" Riley stopped walking and faced Luke.

He could tell that she seemed really upset about something and somehow he was obviously involved with it.

"Why are you pissed at me?" Luke asked her.

"You're seriously asking me that?" Riley scoffed at him.

Luke looked at her dumbfounded he seriously had no idea what she was talking about at all. He was seriously clueless when it came to girls. He always seemed to screw it up because he had his anger issues. Girls always complained that he never listened to them and only talked. So he was trying to listen to Riley and keep his temper. It wasn't like he liked her or anything but he was trying to be a 'better person.'

"You just left us there. You ran off without saying anything. You left her standing her." Riley replied.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked her. He was utterly confused.

"Like an hour ago? Stevie? Remember her?"

"Of course I do I- oh shit." Luke realized. He did just leave Stevie standing there without an explanation but at the same time he wanted to. He thought it was the best way of leaving her without hurting her too deeply. He knew that if he was a dick it would be easier for her to forget about him.

"What was that all about?" Riley asked him.

"I'm sorry, my mates got home early and-"

"I thought you liked her?" Riley asked him. Her face had softened and she stared into his eyes showing the seriousness in her face.

"I do. She's nice." Luke remarked awkwardly.

"That's not what I mean Luke." Riley stated.

Luke knew exactly what Riley meant but was hesitant about his answer. He knew that either way he went he would have to give an explanation.

"I do like her. It's- it's just complicated." Luke stammered.

"I don't understand what's so complicated."

"You won't understand Riley."

"Try me." She remarked.

"No, I've got to go. Sorry about your shirt here's-"

"Is it because you're in a band? You think you're too good for her?" Riley disgustingly said to him.

"What?" Luke stared at her. She knew about that. She didn't seem to know who they were earlier on when they first met. "You know about the band?"

"Yeah? So what?!" Riley exclaimed.

"I just- I mean. People usually treat me differently when they know about the fame and all." Luke tried to explain .

"You think Stevie would?" Riley scoffed as she began to walk away.

"No I didn't mean it like that." Luke raced up and stood in front of her. "I just don't want her to get hurt."

"Me neither." Riley told him as she looked down at her feet. "But it's too late for that."


i like lukey & riley bonding time

ya idk I'm going to England in 2 days

ps ive watched 3 seasons of skins in a week ive just started the 4th one idk I still like gen1 best besides effy bc she's my fav

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