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"So where are y'all staying?"

"Y'all? Really?" Stevie laughed at Luke.

They'd just gotten off of their coach bus and arrived at Gate B. It wasn't the main entrance but just the one for anyone who took a coach bus to get to Coachella. Luke knew that all the celebrities and famous people arrived at Gate E. Luke and Ashton were originally supposed to arrive there but decided to stick with the other 'normal' people because of their current situation. No one seemed to recognize them and they enjoyed being treated like normal people and not celebrities. Luke and Ashton decided they'd take advantage of no one recognizing them for as long as possible.

"Ya." Luke replied. "Isn't it something y'all American's say?"

"No." Stevie huffed. "Maybe Texans but definitely not Californians."

"I see. But anyways where are you guys staying?" Luke really wanted to know. He had to get to Stevie before Ashton had the chance to make a move. He was still unsure of his feelings but wanted to get them sorted out.

"Campsite A, I think." Riley replied for her as they grabbed their bags.

"Well that's what the ticket said at least. But we know how tickets can get messed up." Stevie referred to the incident that happened a few hours ago.

At this point in time Stevie still wasn't sure about whether or not meeting these two boys was a blessing or a curse.

"Why don't we all go out for dinner?" Ashton suggested. "Just the four of us since Cal and Mike won't be here 'til tomorrow."

"Cal and Mike?" Stevie wondered out loud.

"Yeah. Our ban-"

But Luke interrupted Ashton before he could continue. "Our mates. They're just our mates." Luke sent Ashton a glare that indicated that he'd talk to him about this later.

Riley laughed at Luke's sudden panic, She then whispered something to Stevie's ear which made her raise her eyebrows.

"You could be right..." Stevie trailed off as she replied to whatever Riley had said to her.

"I bet I am." Was what Luke could make out from Riley's soft whisper.

"Do you really think so?" Stevie seemed hesitant.

Did they not know it was rude to speak in code. Luke knew the irony of that thought.

"Think what?" Ashton blurted out and Luke was thankful for that since he was dying to know as well.

"Are Cal and Mike your boyfriends?" Riley spoke.

"You think we're gay?" Luke blurted out shocked by what he just heard. Did they actually think he was gay. No one had asked him that before. Mike got it sometimes but never Luke.

"I don't." Stevie piped up. "Riley wasn't sure though."

"Seriously?" Ashton asked her flabbergasted.

"I just got a vibe." Riley improvised. Stevie knew what that meant: they weren't interested in her therefore they must be gay. It was probably the first time a guy who wasn't gay had not chased after Riley and she was shocked. Stevie enjoyed it though, as evil as it sounded she liked it sometimes when Riley's ego got knocked down a couple of notches.

"We give off a gay vibe?" Ashton asked looking at Luke who seemed to be just as concerned as him.

"It's not like you're denying it..." Riley trailed off.

"We aren't gay." Luke clarified.

"Oh. That's cool too."

"So dinner?" Stevie spoke up trying to ease the tension. It's gotten really awkward.

"Yeah. Why don't we meet at..." Luke began as he fumbled through the map we'd received on the bus. "Meet at the Diamond Stage, at let's say 7?"

"Sure." Stevie replied trying to look at him directly in the eyes. She noticed he couldn't meet hers. He seemed embarrassed at the thought that Riley thought he was gay. Stevie didn't, she told him that. Riley had some good points but her gut told her otherwise.

"Alright see you guys later." Riley said as se dragged Stevie away from the two boys who were standing in front of them.


"So which one do you like?"

"Who do I what?" Stevie asked confused, as she opened her bag and tried to find an outfit of the dinner in an hour. She hadn't realized she had such little time to get ready.

"Ashton or Luke?" Riley clarified.

"Ashton or Luke what?" Stevie was still confused.

"Which one would you fuck?" 

"RILEY!" Stevie scolded her best friend.

"What it's a serious question." Riley began. "It's obvious they're both into you."

"They're not." Stevie shook her head. Two attractive guys liking her was a definite no-no. If anything they were both into Riley, all the guys were.

"C'mon can you seriously not see it?" Riley gave Stevie a look.

"I seriously can't." Stevie mocked her.

"Well you will, I'm sure of it."


sorry i have exams and then im going to england for 2 weeks so itll be slow updates

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