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Fucking hell.

The hangover Luke had was one of the worst ones he had encountered to this day. Considering he had a handful of hangovers he could barely handle this one. It was now 8AM, he stumbled out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom. He tried to do this without waking Calum up but that was near to impossible as he hit everything on the way over.

"Shit. Fuck. Wanker." He muttered to himself as he hit his foot on the door frame.

He didn’t mean to always fuck shit up but he somehow always ended up doing just that. Luke looked back at Calum who thankfully was still asleep. Calum always slept naked and if Luke woke him up he would once again see Calum’s dick. Sure, he’d seen it before but that was only because Calum was always nude.

The mirror showed a reflection that Luke did not like. His hair was greasy and flat. It didn’t look good at all; it was worse when he had the flow, back in high school. His eyes had bags under them and his head hurt like hell, it was like a car slamming into him, going 70 kilometers an hour.

“Fuck.” He said rubbing his forehead. “Why do you always do this to yourself Luke, why?” He grumbled to himself.

“Maybe, because Luke’s a fucking idiot.” A familiar voice said and he immediately knew who it was.

“Fuck off dickwad.” Luke told Calum. Calum was his best friend

Calum walked over to Luke and placed his hand on Luke's shoulder. He then leaned in and was very close to Luke’s left ear.

Luke flinched back, he was unsure of what Calum was going to whisper and why he felt the need to whisper anything: they were in a bathroom… alone. He assumed it was going to be some stupid sexual joke and Luke would turn around and slap him. Unfortunately, it was not a sexual joke – it was something much worse.

Calum screamed in his ear. It might not have even been a full on scream but to Luke it felt like it was the worst thing in the world.

Luke did end up punching Calum – actually it was more like a shove. He was a weak boy.

“You fuc-“

“Oi Luke, why don’t you just shut up. I can whisper sweet nothings into your ear again if you irritate me.” Calum threatened him while patting him on the back.

“What you did was cruel.” Luke said as he rubbed his throbbing head. Man his hangover was really a killer.

Calum chuckled before moving over to the sink and grabbing his toothbrush. He put on some toothpaste before hip-bumping Luke and making him move out of the way.

“You know.” Calum began. “If you weren’t such an asshole all the time maybe Stevie would forgive you.”

Luke looked at Calum who seemed not to be phased by Luke’s intense glare. He didn’t know what to say or do. He knew Calum had a point and that upset him. He knew there was truth in what Calum was saying and he didn’t want it to be true. Luke didn’t want to be an asshole.

“Lad, you OK?” Calum asked him and he spit the toothpaste into the sink.

Luke didn’t reply immediately which made Calum look over at him.

“Ya, I’m good. It’s nice to hear the truth sometimes; even when it’s shitty.” Luke let out a fake type of laugh.


 "Pardon?" Stevie replied. That was the only thing she could think of saying. She didn't know how to react to Ashton's confession. Stevie had no idea how she felt, first there was Luke and now there was Ashton. Well, pertaining to Luke there was no shot of something ever happening there. He obviously didn't care enough to try and resolve their fight and that just made Stevie more hesitant. However she was being hypocritical because if she really liked him she would've fought for him - a man shouldn't always do the fighting if they both felt the same way. So they both obviously did not or else they would at least be on speaking terms.

"I like you Stevie." Ashton chuckled. That Ashton chuckle that he always did. Stevie didn't know how she recognized it but she did.

"What." Stevie said because once again it was the only thing she could manage mumble.

"Stevie, I don't know how I can make it anymore clear." Ashton shook his head still chuckling. He continuing staring at Stevie which only made her uncomfortable.

There was no way she was going to be abke to figure out everything in the next few seconds, she needed time. She needed to talk to someone - preferably Tony but he didn't know Luke or Ashton. She knew Riley would help but she thought Riley would be bias. RIley really didn't like Luke and she had a crush on Ashton so she'd tell Stevie to go for Matt. At least that's what she assumed.


"What'd you say after that?" Riley asked Stevie as she was telling her what had taken place a few minutes ago.

"I told him I had to go pee and I'd be back." Stevie shrugged it off, at the time that seemed like a good enough excuse.

"God Stevie. You could've at least come up with a better excuse. Now he probably thinks you're not interested."

"But I'm not interested." Stevie argued. She didn't know if that was particularly true but she just wanted to justify her actions. She hated thinking she did the wrong thing or made a mistake; it would pick away at her brain.

"Are you positive?" Riley asked her best friend.

"I don't know." Stevie answered truthfully.

"Does Luke have anything to do with your hesitation?" Riley questioned Stevie and when she looked up at Riley she could see that this was a serious question.

Riley seemed really concerned about Stevie's feeling for Luke. Ever since Jack, Stevie noticed that Riley distanced herself from Stevie's relationships. Which Stevie didn't mind however now that she was so interested in her relationship with Luke it was bugging Stevie. What was different about Luke? Why did Riley seem to care so much?

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