chapter twenty

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Madison POV
Well things between I and Jordan are going smoothly, after that day that she called she has been calling frequently and also coming to the restaurant we had gone on two dates and it's the best she even saw my daughter whom have grown attached to Jordan, my daughter sees Jordan as her second daddy, well one day she started calling Jordan daddy that's day was epic you need to see the expression on Jordan face.

Lexi has been a great dad to Avery she also brought Ashley who love Avery so much. On their wedding day Avery Was The little flower girl her dress was so cute she was so happy. I can't forget the day Jordan and Lexi met in my house Lexi and Avery where playing when Jordan walked inside Avery shouted daddyyy ran up to her while Jordan kiss her all over the face I miss you daddy Avery said to Jordan while Jordan reply I miss you my princess.  Where is my queen  princess.... Mummy is in the kitchen. Lexi was shocked to see Jordan because it's been long since they seen each other.

Sup dude it's been long after graduation you just vanished Lexi said to Jordan from there there long lost friendship was restore. Let's go back to I and Jordan we have been dating for 8 months now and am the happiest girl alive let me tell you a little secret she is intersex like Lexi, so my sex life is great she is gentle and she asked me to move in with her which I did. I and Avery have been staying with her for 3 months now...... Even though I was hurt by love then am now love by the one that love me.

The End.

Author note.
Hi guys its the end of hurt by love I hope you guys enjoy it.  To those who voted for this story thank you so much love you guys  and for those who commented either positivity or negatively thanks guys because your contribution help me in those areas where am lacking. Thanks guys for everything. One love. #loveislove.

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