chapter thirteen

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Lexi POV
I couldn't take my mind off what Ashley told me of Madison having a little child could it be possible for the child to be mine but I really can't remember what happened during that party five years ago due to me been drunk, is she saying the truth that I rape her.... If it's true I did such a terrible thing I don't think I can't live with myself knowing that am a rapist and to top it off I am an abuser because I was blinded by love I hurt someone I shouldn't have, I feel so ashamed of my actions in the past I wondered how Madison coped during those times.
Thinking back I realized that am a heartless person who don't deserve any forgiveness from Madison, seeing her brought back so many memories. I don't  think she would want to see me after all what I have said and done to her. I need her forgiveness and I also what to see that little girl.

I went to the restaurant to talk to Madison but I have been sitting in my car for a whole thirty minutes but too nervous to go in and talked to her I waited for another thirty minutes to put myself together so as to have the courage to talk to her before I could open the door of my car I saw Madison coming out of the restaurant I sat and watched her,she walked toward a little car and open it then enter and started driving away from the restaurant. I was contemplating whether to follow her or not but I decided to follow her she drove for a little while before stopping in front an apartment she open her car then close it before walking toward the house using her keys she opened it then enter before closing the door.

I waited for five minutes before the door opened I saw a girl of about 18yrs she walk to a car then drove away. I then open my car then walked nervously toward the house then took a deep breathe before I knocked I heard her voice saying Miranda is that you did you forget anything  I heard footsteps coming towards the door.

Madison POV

I just came back from work Miranda my daughters babysitter told me my daughter was sleeping in her room I paid her for the night and she left while I went to my baby's room to check up on her she was sound asleep I went to my room to change my clothes, after I was done changing  I heard knocking on the door... Miranda is that you? Did you forget something I asked when she didn't reply I went and open the door I was so shocked by what I saw...... What are you doing here I asked.... H....hi Madison can we talked Lexi said..... We have nothing to say to each other I tried closing  the door.... But she tried blocking me from doing so..... Please Madison hear me out please she beg.... But I refuse I tried closing the door again go away Lexi I don't want to talked to you in fact how did you know where am staying.. I kind of followed you from the restaurant to here she said.... I was angry you are stalking me now Lexi... No no am not I was only there to talked to you when I saw you entering your car so I decided to follow you..... Just leave Lexi.... Madison please let's talk....... Mummy what's going on I heard behind me... I turn around I saw Avery standing there rubbing her eyes.... Baby go to your room.... Mummy am hungry.... Madison please just let me in so that we can talk.... I looked at her then my baby before allowing her in... I walked to my baby pick her up and went to the kitchen to prepare something for her to eat I sat Avery on the counter while I prepared her favorite food  that is spaghetti and meatballs... I heard Lexi walking into the kitchen I looked at her then continue cooking..... Mummy who is that Avery asked while looking at Lexi..... Before I could answer your mom friend, but I wrong your mom I am here to asked for her forgiveness I heard Lexi say.

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