chapter fourteen

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Lexi POV
As I was begging Madison to allow me into her home let's talk I heard the most angelic voice say, Mummy what's going on.... I looked behind Madison and I saw my exact replica but the little version of me I was so shocked looking at her.... Go to your room Madison said to her.... Mummy am hungry  she reply.... I was now sure that the little girl was mine so I was determined to talked to Madison so I pleaded for her to allow me in she looked at me then her daughter then back at me before she sighed then left the door and walked toward her daughter picked her up then walked to the kitchen leaving me behind.

I entered the house I walked slowly toward the kitchen her daughter rather our daughter looked toward me then said... Mummy who is that? Madison looked toward me but I replied before she did.... Am a friend of your mom I am here to asked your mom for forgiveness.... My mummy will forgive you because she always told me to always forgive those who wrong us right Mummy..... But what I did to your mummy was so wrong I did some terrible things to her am not proud of I hurt her so bad I said with tears in my eyes I looked toward Madison she is crying..... Your mummy is the best thing that ever happened to me because I was blinded by love I hurt her in the worse way ever I move toward Madison I know am not worthy of your forgiveness but am just hoping and praying you let me show you how much am sorry and I need your forgiveness I knelt before Madison holding her legs...... She was hurt me Lexi really bad you make a fool out of me even when I told you how I felt about you,you still hurt me, you use me for your selfish interest she was crying.... I was also crying begging her... Am so sorry please forgive me....mummy I heard our daughter  say.... Mummy please forgive her.... I started crying harder because I denied this child and she is the one begging for me..... Baby she hurt mummy so much.... Mummy please she seem remorseful, please for my seek.... I felt Madison hand on me before she spoke Lexi please stand up.... But I refuse..... Lexi please stand up I forgive you.... When I heard those words I started crying so much.... Madison knelt down and wraps her hands around me.... Am sorry  am so sorry Madison  that what I was saying continuously....its OK Lexi please stand up.... I stood up with Madison help.... Mummy since you both have reconcile now can we eat because am hungry..... I couldn't help but laugh even Madison chuckles.... Yes baby we can eat.... Lexi will you join us for dinner... I smiled then nodded... Madison smiled I know you would say yes because it's your favorite food too.... I started laughing... To tell you guys Madison is one hell of a cook, I never knew she was.

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