chapter seven

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Lexi POV
It's been two weeks since I and Ashley have been going strong she accepted to be my girlfriend last night I was so happy as for Madison I haven't been talking to her even when she called I usually sound cold toward her sometimes I don't even answer, the only time I always have her time is when am horny I know I should break up with him but Ashley is not ready for sex so I need Madison for that and she can't say no to me, I walk into the school hall I saw Ashley with her friends taking I walked up to her I wrapped my hands around her... Hey love I turn her around and kiss her in front of everyone to let them know she is mine... She pulls from the kiss while smiling... Hi babe... So what are you guys doing here... Nothing we just waiting for the bell to ring for first period... OK I miss cuddling with you last night... Oh my baby miss me... Of course you know I did...  Lexi what's going on here ...i turn around and I saw Madison looking pissed.

Madison POV
I was thinking of how Lexi has been cold toward me this past few weeks but I know for sure I have not done anything wrong to her but I can feel something is not right as I was walking toward my English class I saw Lexi walking toward Ashley she wrapped her arms around her and said something to her before kissing her I was shocked ,confused and angry.

I walked toward them and said. Lexi what is going on here... What does it seem like... What is going on between you and her... You don't have any right to ask me that question Madison.... Am your girlfriend so I have every right... Says who.... W....what do you mean by  that.... I meant we are over..... B.. But you said you love me.... Hahahah  you think I will ever love you to tell you the truth I only use you to make my love here jealous... I couldn't believe my ears I was now crying... Oh look the nerd is crying..... The whole school started laughing at me.... I ran away from the there to the lady's room I locked myself there...  Thinking about everything that happened I was a fool to thing that the school hottest and baddest girls will ever liked me... God I was so foolish... I don't thing I can face anyone in this school and to make matters worse my Dad  is not the best he get physical with me when he is in that mood that's why I always stay at Lexi house I always lie to her telling her that my parent travelled  but it's all lie my dad always tell me I was responsible for my mum death because after she delivered me she past away because of complications during if I missed classes and the school called I will be in serious trouble with my Dad so I cleaned my face and walked to the class with my head down even Though I can hear them talking about me I couldn't look anyone I was ashamed of myself.

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