Entry 17 - April 2020

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Entry 17 - April 2020

Date: 5/04/2020
Hoping For The Best

My country's been on lockdown for like a week maybe. Idk. I hope this corona virus goes away soon.

Date: 14/04/2020
Previously, On Moe's Life

So the new guy I had/have a crush on is just a friend, but before this weekend he had been really attentive and affectionate, and we've been a lil sexual, but this weekend into this week, we've barely talked. He's busy. I honestly feel so neglected and I don't want to feel that way. Hopefully it goes back to how it was before cause he'll be going to work but I plan to stay away for two weeks so I won't physically see him for a while which sucks. At least he said he'll miss me. I was thinking about asking to do a video call maybe but I'm really shy and calls kinda freak me out, but I have to take them, but video calls are worse. Maybe a voice call first.

Date: 15/04/2020
Attempting A Glow Up, Plus New Book✍

So today's my friend's birthday. What a time to have birthdays.
Anyway, I'm attempting to glow up in two weeks. Lol. So I'm trying grow my hair, butt and eyelashes. I'm also trying to get abs and even my skin tone. I'm mainly focused on the hair and eyelashes to be very honest.
And, I'm trying to write a new book that I'll probably just let flow however and post without editing, just to see if that'll help me right other books. The writer's block is next level for me. I have to try something even if it means writing someone super generic, or at least my version of generic.
Wish me luck.

Date: 20/4/2020

These workout have me in pain. I can't. I keep putting my hair off to the side. I need to do scalp massages at least. My lashes look a little better to me. They really just have to thicken up a bit. I like the length they're at. You just can't see them cause they're thin. Idk if my butt is gonna get big. Maybe one day.


Lockdown in my country got exteneded. Haven't been talking to "my crush" as much lately. He's probably been busy. He does have a life unlike me. Only went to work once this week. I'm not built for life. Hoping for some good things to happen to me. Still not writing or being consistent in applying the things I know can probably help change my life for the better. Imma just pray on it. Peace ✌

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