Entry 1 - End Of Nov. & Dec. 2018

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Entry 1 - End Of November & December 2018

Date: 22/11/2018
My Degree & Failing Miserably

I'm doing a Math degree [B.Sc. Mathematics (Special)], which is the only degree I'm qualified to do, and I'm failing miserably. My high school Math teachers would be livid, I'm sure. I was so close to being kicked out for a year, but I finessed my way back in. My mother was oddly chill about it. I didn't know whether to be happy or suspicious. She's not even gonna force my sister to go to university, when the time comes.
I used to love Math when I was younger. Now I find myself hating it. I know the worth of Math in itself though and the value of the things I learn about in each course. No wonder Mathematicians, Statisticians, Accountants, etcetera, make so much money. They practically make our world go round.

In other news:
There's a bump (pimple? zit?) on my nose and I made it worse.
I have an urge to draw but I don't know how to.
My hall (dorm) is low key trying to suck me dry, well it's more like the school's administration, specifically accommodation. It's supposed to be a safer, cheaper option of living for students.

Date: 9/12/2018
Some Of What I had on WhatsApp Today

Just watched a video with a guy who robbed a bank, well the truck, talking to some kids about how and why he did it and what he does now. He makes children books and colouring books. One of the books has characters, based off his daughters, who are detectives. The Asian kid goes how ironic. Lol
His name is Anthony Curcio. He seems really nice. He said he used to be on hella drugs and was going broke. Low key, I get why he did it. He makes way more money now tho.

So my uncle and baby cousin over at my house. My sister call me on video call for my cousin to take the phone and jump on my bed and telling me, "look I on your bed!"
What he doesn't know is how much licks he's getting when I back for putting his dirty feet on my bed.
Oh and my dumbasss sister mentioned my ex name or at least what she use to call him and my little cousin asking who is insert nigga name here. I hope he doesn't go ask his father who will ask my mom who will then ask my sister to explain.
Sigh, she musbe miss him. She use to me and him getting back good after a while, but that not happening this time around. Been over two years and he name still in she mouth. Shoulda never let them meet.

Hair Care

So I made rice water for my hair and it sinks so bad. But I want growth and length retention, so I must try what I can. Not sure if my hair is high or low porosity, I know I'm type 4c, but lately I have a lot of straight hair in between the coils.

Date: 14-15/12/2018
Finally Watching Titans

Ok so Rachel (Raven) and Gar (Beast Boy) bond over having coloured hair and being freaks. Kory (Starfire) and Dick (1st Robin) have sex. Oh before all that Dick and Rachel start to low key have a father-daughter relationship and then she gets taken and Kory saves her trying to find out who she is (Starfire has amnesia????) and they describe the feeling of their powers as darkness (Raven duh) and Light (Kory).
This is not Teen Titans.

Oh yh and Jason Todd (new Robin) is such a dick. He pissed me off a lot.
Dick and Kory are sharing a bed, seemingly regularly. This show better not mess up my pairing. Rachel and Gar acknowledge it. Gar equates them to parents, like when you know your parents do stuff but act like you don't.
Kory having memory flashes and talking in her sleep (at least that's what Dick said. Cause they fucking.) Dick left again. Rachel called him an asshole and hugged him. He always leaving. This time to meet with seemingly Wonder Woman's old sidekick. Everyone searching for who they are or wanna be or whatever execept Gar, he just plays his games and turns into a tiger when needed. Love Garfield. He may be traumatized tho since he killed someone for the first time, with his teeth. He is supposed to be a vegetarian.
Rachel's birth mom don't look like her at all. Kory just accused Gar of wanting to make out with Rachel. He got flustered. Haha.
Rachel just helped Kory get back her memory. Now Kory's strangling her. This is why she was trying to find her before the series started, to kill her? The fuck.
Dick is already on his way to Rachel. Daddy Dick is coming Rachel, don't you worry. 😅😂😂😂 rotf
So the orginal Dove in this show is black. And Hank(Hawk) and Don(Dove) supposed to be brothers but Hawk clearly white. Eh??? Adoption???
Oh two different dads. I see. Hank seems to have a drug problem in this show.
Um as children Hank's coach try to get Don, Hank's half brother to go in the weight room alone. Baby Hank said no and used one curse word and the coach threatened to have both their scholarships revoked. Hank offered to go in Don's place. Um, the fuck this show doing to my heart.
As adults, Don seems to know something happened to Hank in the weight room, cause Hank's been getting into trouble ever since then.
For those who don't know, Hank and Don become Hawk and Dove respectively. Then Don dies in an accident, which eventually leads to Hank's girlfriend Dawn to become the new Dove.
I've seen two characters in this show wear superman t-shirt. Dawn and Don. Both Doves wore superman t-shirts. Irony.
It's eh. I don't hate concept of it in general. I wish Starfire's abilities were more like the animation tho.
I just hope they keep Kory and Dick together as they should be. And don't let Barbara show up cause in one of the comics he cheats on Kory with Barbra, right before their wedding, cause he felt bad for not being there when Barbra lost her ability to walk. Smh.
Now, I wait for episode 10. Also, can't wait for Cloak and Dagger season two.
Refreshed and there was episode 10. Kory now remembering who she is and why she came to this planet and Rachel brought her father Trigon to our dimension cause her crazy sick bio mom Angela obviously did something to make Gar so sick that "the only way to save him" was to call forth her father. Everything slowly gonna go to shit now that Daddy Demon world destroyer. But in all the animation and comics, Raven always defeats Trigon, so they should be fine. But he said he can't destroy the world till Raven's heart breaks and he looking her and Gar when he said that. Oh Robin is only one who could enter house now that Trigon got the home camouflaged or whatever. Kory and Donna (Wonder Girl) stuck outside. Need that next episode cause I need to know if they okay. Is Kory and Dick gonna continue their situationship? Are they finally gonna refer to themselves as Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy and as the Titans as an official team? And will they find a way to include Cyborg, just for my sanity? Tune in next time. Lol.
Side note: Watch yall future kids eh. If they start acting different, press them as soon as you realise. Stay vigilant.
Monsters make monsters.

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