Entry 56 - October 2023

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Entry 56 - October 2023

Date: 1/10/2023

Fucked up my quiz. So much I need to do. Not enough time or money. Still haven't been writing, like ugh.

Date: 2/10/2023
Gotta Figure It Out

I gotta beg for a do over on that quiz. Gotta just focus on using out all my products I don't like before buying ones that I do. Gotta find something I like to eat that gives energy, I'll focus on weight gain later in life.

Date: 3/10/2023

My friend tell me about e-commerce pyramid scheme type of digital mlm. Thinking about doing it. A lot in it though, cause of the currency and the currency conversion, I'll have to get a bunch of apps for it. Telegram and a crypto wallet. Probably other things. So stressful.

Date: 15/10/2023

Still feeling weary about the thing my friend put me onto. Still haven't started it.

Date: 29/10/2023
Confusion, Pushing Through

Might be sick.
Bestie gon sign me up for her lil pyramid scheme tomorrow. Was gonna invest my own money to get more money out of it but changed my mind at the last minute. Just gonna go with the original plan of using her initial payment and paying her back later.
My last payment from work didn't even come in and I feeling poor so.
Trying to think of other ways to make money as well as thinking about getting a PayPal account. Kinda wished I had gotten a US fund or bank account. Maybe I will one day.
Still not writting on here, will try again next month. 🙈😅🥲
The man in my life always tired or so he claims, the long distance killing me and he just sleeping. Yes I believe him. Life unfair that way I guess.
Gotta get my life where I want it to be tho, at least financially. My love in shambles but I must get more money, solo spa days, learn to drive and get a car, and get a good apartment. Would love to do some solo travelling between islands and then maybe go vacation in other countries.

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