Entry 55 - September 2023

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Entry 55 - September 2023

Date: 16/9/2023
Back to School

I've been so busy lately. Back in school, in a shitty apartment. Money draining from me like water. Will be attempting to write out a book, if possible. Assignments already due and a quiz soon. Hopefully I'm able to finish as early as possible and get back to work.

Date: 21/9/2023
Trying and Trying

I am tired of school. Kinda tired of this man, but maybe he busy, sleeping or he phone dead or he sick. He promised though. He promise to answer and I tell him to call me. Now I worried and frustrated. Whatever. I'm trying to write some new stuff. So many ideas have been forming, cause I've been reading a lot. Hope I don't steal anyone's intellectual property by accident though. I so bored by myself. Money running low, well spending money. Trying my best with everything. May the opportunity to make money online present itself soon, in Jesus name.

Date: 23/9/2023
Long Weekend

First day of the three day weekend. I am trying to wash and clean and sleep. I feel warm, might be sick. Hope this man not doing nothing that'll make me cry. Anyway, also gonna try to write.

Date: 25/9/2023

Last day of the long weekend. Cleaned a lot. Need rest. Might nap then try to write. Maybe. I so tired.

M. K. B.'s Life Journal (Not A Book)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ