Entry 25 - February 2021

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Entry 25 - February 2021

Date: 01/02/2021

I bought a dark spot corrector, hopefully it works. Might put a new book out just cause I've been lazy about putting something out.

Date: 8/02/2021
Sad Dayz

Today I'm sad. I've been sadder. The older I get the more common being sad is. Probably cause of my dependency on others. I feel like when I move out, learn to drive and get a car, I won't be sad all the time.

Date: 9/02/2021
New Friends?

I really need new friends. I feel like I'm all my friends' random extra friend. In a way I don't have friends, just ppl I claimed along the way.
I'm the friend my friends come to when all their friends are busy. I'm last, always.
I want a core friend group, I guess.

Date: 15/02/2021

Everyone feels far away. Some actual are, and they talk to me the most. Kinda sucks.

Date: 28/02/2021
Trying To Find Happiness Alone

I feel more alone than ever. Going to try to immerse myself in writing and anime. Hopefully I find happiness within myself at some point, it's clear to me that I'm basically on my own.
Focused on figuring out how to make money to get my own place and finish school.

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