Entry 46 - December 2022

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Entry 46 - December 2022

Date: 2/12/2022

Drinking my water, doing my skin care and attempting to eat more and grow my hair out. I will be who I desire to be. Praying I find my soul mate before the year ends or the beginning of the year. Should start taking my vitamins again.

Date: 21/12/2022
Hopefully Next Year

Using products to fade my dark spots but it just making my face smooth. Hopefully it works by next year. Hopefully next year is better in general. Hope my skin clears up, and I find a good man that loves me and that I get a raise.

Date: 23/12/2022
Making Changes

Thinking of actually doing something for my birthday. Maybe getting my nails and hair done. Maybe. Not feeling the Christmas spirit at all. Getting consistent with my skin care and working out. Now just have to consistently write so one day soon I can release a book.
I wonder if this skin care stuff actually working for me tho. I'll give it one more week. I'm using a scrub, a toner, 2 serums and a cream. Drinking lots of water. Somebody better compliment my face soon tho. All this work and pain. It burning. Might add a cleanser.

Date: 28/12/2022
Not Today, Maybe Tomorrow

Been tired and horny. Hope I get a boyfriend soon so he can deal with that. Hope I get everything I need, want and deserve. I'm so tired but hopefully one day, I'll get to I'm going.

Date: 29/12/2022

I swear my lashes are growing. If so maybe my hair is growing. Maybe my nails will grow.

Date: 30/12/2022

Thinking about just stopping everything with my situationship. No contact, no communication, no nothing. I don't know if I could do it tho. And going silent on socials as well. Just focus on myself only and trying to make money. I really need to write a book so I can make some extra dollars too.

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