Entry 26 - March 2021

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Entry 26 - March 2021

Date: 01/03/2021

I've been feeling empty.

Date: 04/03/2021
Exhausted As Usual

Had a test today it drained me. Feels like my friend and I are getting more and more distant. I guess it's fine. Slowly getting use to it. Maybe, getting numb to it. Just empty feeling lately.

Date: 16/03/2021

The lack of warmth I've been feeling emotionally is probably why I feel sick physically. Just a few more months and hopefully this pandemic will be over and I will return to campus. Use to be sick and unhappy there too but my heart was safe.

Date: 30/03/2021
Trying To Get Back

Gonna try to get to a good place with my friend again, hopefully we can get back to how we use to be or better. Also gonna try to clear up my skin and stuff like that. Glow up in April, hopefully.

M. K. B.'s Life Journal (Not A Book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora