"Give me a few more years." She said nonchalant.

I scoffed. "How did you manage that?"

"Reputation is an invaluable asset." She said in a darker voice. "When you see the most lethal leaders in the city start dropping like flies questions start to rise. Uncertainty starts to root and allegiance starts to shift. People do not trust change but you can trust they will not want to be on the wrong side of it when it does. I made sure to make my name heard in a very convincing way."

This made me raise a brow. "Do I even want to know?"

She tilted her head in regard. "You could handle it. But all you need to know is that my followers originated in fear but stayed for respect. The creatures that used to run the darkness had none. Not even for themselves. Proximo was second to a self indulgent pig before my time." I could only picture his lethal glares of exasperation at serving under such a buffoon. "–Lazuras could hardly fit in his own throne before I ended him. I was more than aware of what Proximo was capable of before I targeted him. He had his own flawless reputation for lethality and only stayed to get a foothold in the Underworld. I was aiming to avoid him completely in direct combat so my assassination of Lazuras had much more... finesse."

I gave her a questioning look.

"I have a guy... good with poison." She shrugged.

I shook my head between her arms with a look that said of course you do.

"Even when Lazuras was choking on wine in a crowd of his own mercenaries Proximo watched with particular boredom that day. He had already made his mind up I assumed. Not a day after, he approached my people and demanded an audience." She smirked at the memory as if it were one of her most cherished. "He knew the tide was turning even before the other leaders fell. The only thing quicker than that man's mind is his blades. He wanted to be sure of exactly what kind of ruler I was. The only way to do that is in the language of our sectors." She finished casually, as if that was all that needed to be said.

"And?!" I demanded, darting my eyes between hers.

Alex laughed and brushed some of my hair past my ear. "And now Proximo is very content at my side knowing exactly what kind of person sits in the throne. Feel free to ask him the details yourself, his description of the event is much more colourful." I grinned at her wide blue eyes.

"You fought Proximo? And he became your second based on that."

"Well he knew it was the only way I would consider him as much as he could consider me." She said easily. "He also had to go through a few of my personal guard but we ended on the right terms. I can show you the scar if you'd like–"

"You're all insane." I finished finally.

She grinned at me devilishly before planting a kiss on my forehead. "Yet here you are. Stuck in the middle of it."

"No where else I'd rather be." I responded easily, "You can't trust the sane these days.

Alex merely raised her brows at my words and nodded slowly. "Indeed, I agree with you on that Miss Xavier."

* * * * *

I had tried to drag her back into the bed when she told me she was to hold talks with Hades this morning. When she said how important it was they all played nice. I groaned long and loud.

She smirked down at me with her black trousers already on and still topless—revealing that perfection of toned stomach and curves to admire—
"Makayla I promise we will have more time later today. You will barely have to wait." She reasoned as she pulled a boot on around my hand that tugged on her leg in protest.

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora