Chapter 24

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It didn't matter how many years of isolation from humanity she still carried many scars .

She had had enough of people's lies and backstabbing, some courageous enough would stab her in the chest and tell her that they wanted her to feel the pain that she respected atleast they didn't blind side her.

Once growing up she had often wondered if there was a magnetic force that would pull these scorpions and snakes into her life.

She now saw them for who they were traitors,venomous ones at that.

She now craved isolation that is why she had ran away finally.

She had been planning this ever since she was 8years old.

This day had been coming where she would vanish , and never return.

She was living alone in an almost empty community, she never did friends except for one persistent fellow called Hope.

When people would tell her they were her friends she would reject those lies.

She was open enough to tell them to live her alone and she didn't want their friendship nor did she believe in such a lie.

she wasn't completely healed, she still carried her scars not with pride but with Shame.

It was on a rainy day she met a dreamy guy. He was tall , tanned and sculpted like a Greek seducer.

From that day she kept on bumping into him , if it wasn't for her hatred for man she would have appreciated his firm butt, his big junk his clothes showed all of that.

It made her ache in places she didn't want to. She was still terrified of man. She usually had a panic attack when a man got too close to her.

The panic attacks were plenty that she ended up seeing a shrink twice a week.

She never wanted that in her life, most people who saw shrinks were insane , maybe she was on the verge of losing her sanity but she had never pictured herself doing that.

That is how damaged she was, even if she were to get into a relationship she had too much baggage who would want a lady with so much troubles.

She wasn't completely okay but things were getting bearable.

She only wanted to punch someone when they talked about marriage, she didn't see what's so great about it.

Coming from a dysfunctional household like hers you couldn't really fault her.

Yes she had accepted that as human nature we are somehow flawed but it was our choice to evolve or stay the way we are.

"Kara please hold my baby," that annoying so called friend of hers burst into her cozy apartment.

She was excited for some reason Kara could not understand.

Yes Chara had changed her identity, who could blame her, with a tainted past like has everyone would want to be disassociated from it.

She didn't even want to remember those horrid , putrid memories unless forced to do so by her shrink twice a week.

She could tolerate reliving that nightmare of a life she often thought that her life could put Halloween to shame.

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