Chapter 15

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Liz at the sight of  Chara crying  would want to bit the living daylights out of her. So Chara made sure not show her tears in front of her mother.

Chara's head was boiling for she had a headache but she wasn't going to say anything in fear of being slapped or whipped.

They all went to church in silence, not a single word amongst the family.

As soon as they had arrived Chara went to where children sat. The adults were never mixed with the children.

At the sight of her swollen self the other children gasped.

Only one courageous girl who was her friend Caroline asked if she was beaten up.
Embarrassed Chara rebuffed those words and told her that she had an allergic reaction.
No one questioned her after this but it was really transparent that someone had hit her.

At church Chara felt that her sorrows would melt down, she felt safe with strangers than her own family. Most times she had nightmares that her family would run away from her.

She was always the one who tried to catch up to them in the dreams but she never caught up to them.

It was like a testament that there was nothing she could do to mend the rift between her and her family.

She found solace and comfort in church where she could sing.

People would tell her that she had a lovely voice. As time progressed she went to church alone. Not that her parents would not go to church but she preferred to walk to church.

It was quite a distance but she loved the feeling of freedom she felt unrestrained.

Whilst walking she could sing of His Praises and how amazing his creation looked like.

When she felt hopeless this was the best remedy for her to restore her faith in God because most times she felt like her prayers were not being answered.

She would pray that her mother would love her and treat her better. For a few minutes she would be nice to her then the next hour it would be hell on earth.

She never understood why her mother treated her so poorly.

Her mother became one of the leaders at their church this was a blow to Chara's life.

Liz loved other children it seemed she would bring other children to their estate and give them treats and teach them about God.

Chara at times would sit and wonder why she was never given this attention.
She was baffled when her mother played games with those children but never her.

There was never a mother and daughter bond between the two.

Chara didn't feel pain anymore but felt numb.

The irony of it all was that she felt unloved but others would see her mother as the best mother.

Chara would often think to herself that if only they knew.

Chara had had enough of the misery so she planned her escape and ran away from home with none the other Caroline she was part of the kids that would come to their estate.

She packed her clothes and went outside only to find the gate locked.She wanted to go out but she was told she couldn't follow Caroline.

So she did what she knew best be like Tarzan and climbed over the spiked gate.

It was a dangerous thing to do but she still did it with so much precision like a seasoned thief.

She was lucky that Liz had gone to visit her friends.

So the two children walked to Caroline's house it was like a sleepover which Chara hoped would never end.

When Phillip got home he found his daughter missing.

She was nowhere to be found they looked everywhere but could not find her.

Phillip was so distressed he asked his wife what had happened but she told him she had no clue and that she was going away for a bit she would be back after a week or so she said.

It was up-to Phillip to find his daughter.

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