Chapter 7

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Her mother's affection-less soul was long past forgotten for she was in her chambers doing what she loved best talking on the phone. Liz could spend hours on a call her husband had once tried to reason with her when unending telephone bills came every month the amount was outrageous .

He stopped talking when he realized that he was sounding a gong to an empty street. For the words would echo back to him, you can imagine the bills he had to pay when she was around that was until he threw away that damn thing, yes the household telephone.

The day passed and soon evening made it's entrance known. It was known in this part of the ton that it would get cooler in the night though the afternoon was as relentless as hades.

This was the time that Philip would be back from work. When his wife left for school that would be when he would spend most of his time with his daughter. This time they would get a proper nanny and hopefully she would treat their daughter with utmost care.

Philip came home bearing gifts for his daughter and Liz. Chara would be excited today he thought to himself.

He had after all bought her candy and chocolates , so as not to get an earful from his wife for bringing unhealthy delights he bought Chara healthy snacks and bought roses for his wife.

This time he would bribe his way out with them he hoped because his wife had no bone of romance in her.

Hopefully it would spare him from getting a tongue lashing from his wife.

When she was angry she would say words that cut the heart like a piercing knife. He was a little bit scared of his wife , not that he would tell anyone about this.

She had a fiery temper that never seemed to quench, he shuddered as he remembered the day she had sliced him or scratched him till today he could remember his blood spluttered on the ground.

The way it caked on the floor his little girl had witnessed this and so had his sister who had fainted at the unpleasant sight. That day had taught him never to drink alcohol.

Now back to the present he sought his wife out, he passed through the hallways and found his daughter  watching tv. No one could miss her because she was sitting so close to the tv glued to what ever she was watching.

"Chara" he called out, "Daddy" she called out as she jumped on him , she was excited to see her father back. They had a special bond ever since she was born no wonder he named her.

"Guess what I brought you" , "ummmmmh you brought me chocolates "she questioned . The excitement on her face made his heart clench for he loved to see her eyes dancing and her perfect dimpled smile.

"You guessed right " he said as he gave her a chocolate and candy . The way he spoiled his little child he hoped her teeth wouldn't rot . She sure had a sweet tooth, unlike most children when given candy they would get restlessness or what we call a sugar rush she would be calm and collected at times it was as if she was adult.

The only side effect from it was that she could ask him numerous endless questions.

"Daddy this Daddy that "every question she asked him had to start with "Daddy "he often laughed at her for this . He was sure if she ever cried she would call out to him instead of the African norm that children would call out their Mother's.

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