Chapter 5

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"I will stay for two weeks  so I can nurse her back to health before I go back to college.I wish I had more time with her but I have to go back  .Are you able to take a month off from work I hope they can give you one ?" she rambled on.

"Yes my dear I can take of our daughter "Philip solemnly replied. This was a dreadful experience he wished never to occur again.

The anger he felt for Abigail had he not been a man of honor he would have punched her sorry being , dissected her like the modern day Frankenstein and thrown her to the crocodiles.

If only it was the olden days she would have been sentenced to the gallows for this he lamented, times like this a person would regret living in the so called "21st Century."

The doctor came in as the two sought comfort in each other's embrace. Phillip kept saying words to soothe his strangely distraught wife as if he were her lover serenading her with a bouquet of roses and his dashing charm.

He was a little bit surprised that his wife possessed such passion for their child as most of the time she was unshakable her emotions never betrayed her except for anger which was  a prominent emotion that ruled her.

Not to say she was mean or a bad person but she was  a person that anyone could describe as one who is detached from her feelings.

As if seeing a new specie Phillip cherished this moment and imprinted it in his mind because he knew as soon as their daughter was well Liz's steely impenetrable walls would be up.

He had never seen her in a vulnerable state no this was a first,he found this somewhat perplexing ,he could not fully enjoy this moment as the reason they were here was their daughter.

The Doctor continued with her Checkup ignoring the couple in the background who were so engrossed in their own world.
"Would one of you like to stay over"? she enquired and the couple was shook out of their reverie. She repeated the question again as she realized that none had heard what she had said.

"I would like to " said Liz "I will stay with my daughter. I hope she will be fine , is there any reason as to why she is still asleep?. She inquired worriedly for her daughter had not moved a muscle nor an inch from her bed even the expected twitching of the hand no sign at all she was just motionless.

"She will wake up soon she is just a little bit dehydrated ,in addition to that ,we have given her  medication that makes her drowsy.But be assured that by tomorrow her swelling will dissipate and I am sure she will be able to talk." "But don't strain her too much give her time to heal and don't exhaust her or else we will be obligated to stop visits."

"She will have to stay in the hospital for the next four days so we can closely monitor her. When the four days are over I am sure she will be able to move as though the incident never occurred  "the Doctor remarked. "Thank you Doctor "they exclaimed it was like the ironclad shackles upon their very being had suddenly disappeared.

"Liz i have got to go and get your clothes and neccesities since you are staying over today. Is there anything you want me to bring for you? Enquired Philip he was still beating himself up ,he felt that he was negligent when it came to the care of his only daughter.

The anger he felt at the injustice of life was as though he was  a well seasoned hurricane that would plunder everything upon its wake sweeping the earth clean and bare from the constraints of man made structures.

His need for revenge was growing , like a moth to a flame he could not resist his urge for revenge. He had never been a vindictive person till now. "Life is full of surprises "they say , now pandora box has been opened.

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