Chapter 3

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For company the estate had trees and bushes  which swayed to the rhythm of the wind. The dry,brown,shriveled up leaves whistled whilst falling to their demise ,uprooted from whence they came from ,a place they had called home.

At least it was not a barren waste land otherwise what would one do under such circumstances.Such a lovely place to breed malicious intent indeed don't you think?.

The trees, bumbles ,bushes and forest covered every atrocities.

It was a vast land indeed .

Abigail briskly walked to the girl's bed chamber , "Arise"! she shouted only to be greeted by the girl's unmoving body.

She had gone too far now she thought to herself.

She even started praying it had been long since she had done I guess even heaven was shocked when hearing her voice. "Oh I humbly come before thee" she uttered those words pleading thinking that would change her plight.

Her praying was like watching an apocalypse it was such a sore sight. It was indeed nightmarish.

As she spoke her incantations , to whomever it was addressed the hair on her neck stood.

She felt a presence of a person , she at first thought it was her imagination until she turned only to see Liz ,now she was going to shackled,no chance to flee now . "Abigail what is going on " said Mrs Liz Rhodes, yes the Mrs Rhodes the girl's mother the terrifying mother she could put Medusa to shame,just one look from her and you could turn to ashes.

Abigail apprehensively shook she did not know whether to run for her life or stay and explain all she did was to frantically raise her hands up and as if she was doing some deranged dance as an offering to her ancestors.

Mrs Rhodes went to where her daughter lay only to find her red and swollen as if she had been stung by bees .She looked like a red blob all round and squishy.

Mrs Rhodes cat like eyes stalked the frozen Abigail she was deeply pained by this , she called the police and her husband so they would come immediately.

Her daughter definitely needed medical attention real quick for she knew not how much damage Chara had acquired.

When Abigail saw the gravity of the situation she thought of running away before the police had apprehended her.

A girl could dream right? She had already envisioned herself free and far away from this horrid crime seen.

When Mrs Rhodes saw that Abigail was upto no good she grew more furious. With her distorted gargantuan face she sliced into Abigail's face in a repeated motion as though she was a werecat, if the police and her husband had not come in-time she definitely would have beaten her up to a bloody pulp.

She could not fathom as to what would have led this lady to such actions.

Abigail's mutinous body lay still on the ground, she had been so terrified that she pissed on herself.

She had never been paralyzed by fear before now.

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