14. You look scared.

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Kate's POV

While I was walking over to retrieve Theo from the large green field I noticed that he had discovered a play mate, it looked to be a labrador of some sort. The dog seemed to get along with Theo very well and was very energetic. I smiled softly watching them play then stopped approaching them as a boy walked up to the two dogs and knelt down petting the labrador calmly, then petting my dog. I didn't really know what to do and my anxiety was starting to get to me since I don't want to walk closer to a stranger. Theo glanced over at me and barked running up to me and licking my hand. (This usually calms me down, which it did).
I pet Theo's ear and the boy who pet my dog looked over at me, though he now had the labrador on a red pet leash, must be his dog.

The boy looked to be about my age, maybe older, brown hair, slightly pale skin and a couple tattoos on his left arm. He looked like he could be on The Bachelor. My mom and I watch it sometimes on Fridays because she likes the show. He looked down at Theo then back at me.

"I like your dog, what's their name?"

He asked in a daily kind voice as I was putting Theo on his leash, I don't do very well talking to people who aren't my parents or my therapist, especially males. Talking to strangers has become a whole new fear, even just interacting is difficult for me still.
I should tell my parents that I don't think public school is the right choice for me right now..


I said softly and tugged on Theo's leash to tell him I wanted to leave, he, on the other hand, was too busy sniffing the other dog. Wow what a great service dog...(sarcasm).

"This is Minx, shes a Labrador"

He said and noticed how slightly uncomfortable I looked.

"Are you ok.? You look scared."

He said and I nodded slightly not knowing how to respond.

"Y-yeah I'm great...g-goodbye now..."

I turn to leave and Theo walks with me panting happily and wagging his tail. The boy raised a brow slightly but just shrugged and followed. Theo noticed and seemed happy that his play mate was still with us. I, on the other hand, was uncomfortable. Why is he following me.??
I stopped and looked at him confused.

"Uh-are you following me?-"

I asked and he looked slightly caught off guard, then laughed slightly as if what I said was a joke.

"W-what?- no my house is in this direction, I live on Grove street. "

He said and I blushed slightly embarrassed, I lived on the same street as this guy?

"Oh-sorry..I live on that road too"

I said and we continued walking, this time he was next to me, both of our dogs were walking between us on the leashes. To me this situation was a bit uncomfortable, but we had distance between us and we're in public so I wasn't too out of shape.

"So are you from the family that just moved in across the street a bit ago? I think I saw your dog outside the house before "

He said and I glance at him timidly. He's one of my close neighbors?.

"Er-yeah I guess.."

"Are you going to my high school then?"

He asked looking at me and I kept my eyes on Theo as I walked

"Oh-I'm not sure yet.."

I say honestly and he nodded listening to my reply.

"Well you have all summer so take your time choosing a school. If you do dicide to go I can help you find your way around since I know a lot of teachers pretty well, my dad is a baseball coach there too"

He said smiling and I glanced at him. He looked like a good person, the kind you could trust and make jokes with at 1 am. I gave hima small smile.

"Thanks..I'll make sure to think about it"

He nodded and we continued walking .

"So what's your name, your a neko right?"

"Oh-uh..Kate..and yeah."

"My names Blake, but you can call me 'V'"

He said and I nodded walking up to my house

"So I'll see you around Kate?"

He asked and I nodded slightly. I probably will see him again because my parents have me walk Theo at least twice a week.
He crossed the street with Minx after looking both ways, making sure there were no cars coming down the road. I turned back facing my house and opened the white fence. I walked into my house and let Theo off his leash.

"Guys I'm back"

I call out to my parents and my mom walks into the living room seeing me

"Oh hi sweetie how was the walk?"

She asked trying to hide the worry in her voice. She has always been scared something would happen to me if I ever left the house without them.

"It was....actually pretty Okay. "

I say simply and set Theos leash on the small table by the front door. I wasn't lying. Even though talking to Blake made me slightly out of place he seemed pretty nice and Theo was there too so I guess I didn't have much to complain about.
My mom smiled at me and hugged me gently and kissed my forehead, she does this every time I come home. It helps me feel better. I smiled slightly and hugged my mom back.

"I love you so much..."

She said softly so I could hear.

"I love you too mom.."

After a little bit of hugging she let go of me and smiled holding my face. I could tell that all the things that have happened deeply affected her and my dad. I wish I could undo everything and just go back to the way things were before that...monster showed up.


Thinking of doing a QNA at the End of the book. :/

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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