8. Your hopeless

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Once Tyler was done with using the shower he picked Kate up setting her body on his hip and her head layed on his shoulder as he walked to her room. She was shivering from the cool air against her slightly wet skin. He dropped her on the twin bed and walked to her dresser grabbing clothing for Kate to change into. He gatherd a pair of panties and a bra and put it next to her on the bed.

"Ill be right back, put this on or I'll make sure that you don't  walk for another two days."

He said in her ear while gripping her neck in a threatening way. Kate nodded and he left into her parents bedroom. He looked through their closet and put one of her fathers suits on. He then grabbed another one of her fathers shirts and walked back to see Kate was just finishing hooking her bra on and she did what he said.
He smiled and walked to her standing between her legs and kissed her cheek.

"Good girl~, here."

He put her dads button up white shirt on her. It went down to her upper thigh and he had to roll up the sleeves on her arms. He smiled how the shirt still some what hugged her figure. She turned her face away feeling his hand on her thigh but he grabbed her chin and turned it back to him kissing her deeply while lightly squeezing her leg then pulled away.


He pulled her up and held her so she was standing facing him. Her legs were lightly shaking but was able to somehow support her weak body up. She slowly tried walking but her body was still experiencing trama and after 2 to 3 steps she nearly fell again. He caught her and sighed smiling.

"Your helpless."

He picked her up and put her back on his hip starting to walk.

"We'll continue this after breakfast."

She stayed quiet looking down as he walked down the wooden stairs to the neetly cleaned marble and stainless steel kitchen. Tyler gently set her on the grey marble counter top and walked to the fridge gathering his cooking ingredients for breakfast.

Soon after he was done cooking he made them both plates and set one next to Kate while he was already eating his. She looked down at the food not attempting to eat, he sighed.

"Oh come on baby, I know you can chew food, do I have to do everything for you??"

He finished eating, grabbed her plate and lifted the fork to her mouth.

"Eat. Now."

She turned her face away rejecting the food, he set the plate down getting frustrated. He lightly growled and smacked her hard across the face while gripping her neck with his other hand. She wimpered trying not to cry as he started calming down. He turned her face, forcing her to look him straight in the eye.

"I told you to do something. Now Eat. Dont make me have to beat you this early in the morning!"

He threatened angrily. Her eyes closed tightly and quiet tears traveled down her cheek.

"O-o-ok..i-ill eat it."

Her voice was quiet and once he let go she slightly gasped, hungry for air. He lifted the fork to her mouth and she obediently ate the food he had cooked.
Once her plate was mostly clean he set the dish down on the counter again and stood between her legs.

"Ok so we need to add some house rules now~-"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kates eyes widened and she opened her mouth but he grabbed her muffling her screams and whispered into her ear dangerously.

"Dont. Fucking. Speak."

She didn't listen continuing to scream and cry and try to push him away knowing that the person at the door may be one of her only chances to escape from this man. He put a cloth in her mouth and tied it around the back of her head. He then proceeded to pick her up and locked her in the guest bedroom.

"If I hear a peep from you your going to be punished! And stay away from the windows!"

He said angrily and walked to the front door peeking through the blinds. Outside the front door stood a lady that looked in her mid to late 50s, light brown hair and hazel eyes. He opened the door looking down at the calm looking woman.

"Hello, is Kate home?"

Tyler figured that was the nekos name.

"Not right now..she went to one of her friends house, why?"
The lady replied

"Her parents called me because she hasn't been awnsering their phone calls..who are you?"

"I assure you she'll call them later, and im..her friend, im watching the house while shes at her friends."

He smiled keeping his composure and staying calm.
The lady nodds and walks away, Tyler closed the door sighing.
He could hear her crying and he turned walking to the room and pulling the door open to see her at the window banging on it. He roughly pulled her away from the window then checked to see if anyone was out there, nope.

"What the hell did I tell you?!"

He said slapping her and she fell to the ground crying.

"I said dont make a peep and stay away from the window, you broke both rules. Now im going to have to punish you before we leave this place."

Kate wimperd shaking her head while crawling back not wanting what happened in the bathroom.

"Dont worry im not going to pleasure you with sex. You dont deserve that, no im just gonna hurt you.. a lot.~"

He smirked devilishly walking to her.

To be continued.

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