13. What should I do..

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Kate's POV

A week went by and my parents and I have been working hard on moving into the new house. They made sure not to talk about our old home or anything that happened while I'm around because they know how sensitive of a topic it is for me. Though I can sometimes still hear them whispering in the kitchen and I know my dad blames himself. This was none of their fault, it was that man who took me, its all his fault. I'm so grateful to have my parents help me even if I don't always show it. My therapist thinks I should try to build my social life, like go to a public school and make friends. I don't like the idea but she is the perfetional so maybe shes right. My parents didn't like the idea at first either and they dont want me to be separated from Theo, that is until Saturday morning when my father walked into my room.

"Hey pumpkin, can I ask you something?"

He said as he leaned against my door frame looking at me as I drew in my sketchbook. My dad has always called me pumpkin, not sure why I suppose it's just a nickname. I glance up at him and could tell by looking at his eyes that it was serious. I set my pencil down on the pad of paper and sat up.

"Sure dad. What's up?"

"How would you feel about going to Woods High School in the fall..?"

He asked and I stared at him slightly confused.


"Its a great school, it's in the area and I've already contacted their advisor and they said you could take Theo with you since he's your service dog..."

My dad said hoping it would convince me to go to the public School. I'm not so sure though.

"I don't know dad...Public School? I don't know if that's for me.."

It's TRUE. Last time I went to a public school was when I was 13 and I was teased and made fun of to the point that my parents found a note on our front porch that read
'Kate is ugly stupid b*tch-'
My parents didn't read the rest of the note they just crumbled it up and took me out of the school, but not after complaining to the school about the students of course.

"I know pumpkin..but this is high school, it will be different and you can always tell your therapist or me and your mom if your having any issues with the students."

He said handing me a flier that had the schools name on it.

"Its not until fall..you have all summer to think about it.."

He said kissing my forehead and leaving the room. I sighed to myself and looked down at the packet as Theo came strolling in waging his tail. He hopped up on the bed and layed down resting his head on my lap, sniffing the paper curiously.

"What should I do.. "

I asked and pet Theo's head. He seemed to relax and closed his eyes which put me in awe. I relaxed with him and laid down watching a movie on my tablet.
The next day I woke up and took a shower, I used to love showers before...well you know. Now I just have to try and fill my mind with other things to distract me from the memory of him... playing music seems to help. After my shower I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie walking downstairs and into the kitchen to find my dad making breakfast and my mom on her laptop working on something, probably job related. Theo seemed to be going ham on his bowl of chow which put a small smile on my face. My mom glanced at me and smiled.

"Good morning sweetie did you sleep well?"

She asked as she continued to work. I walked over to the island and sat down next to her at the counter.

"Yeah. Do you have work today?"

I asked and she shook her head while typing.

"Nope I'm going back next week, until then I'm just catching up on some reports I have due."

She said as my dad made me a plate and put it infront of me. French toast, my favorite.

"Thanks dad"

I told him as he started making another plate.

"No problem pumpkin, oh do you think after breakfast you can take Theo on a walk?"

He asked and I nodded

"Yeah sure-"

"You have your pepper spray still right?"

My mom asked and I nodded looking at her.

"Yeah it's on my lanyard."

I replied and she nodded looking at me.

"Ok baby just be safe and watch your surroundings. "

She said closing her laptop and started eating as my dad sat down with his plate. I always liked eating with them in the mornings like this, it's always nice to know that they will make time to hang out with me.
After I finished breakfast I put my plate in the dishwasher, kissed my parents cheeks and went to get Theo's leash. He loved going on walks so as soon as I grabbed the leash he ran up to me jumping in excitement. I giggled slightly petting his ears. I put the leash on him, grabbed my lanyard and headed out of the house.
The air was still and warm, there wasn't much wind, just a gentle breeze. The sky was clear with only a few small clouds and the sun was shining like there was no tomorrow. Theo walked happily with his tail waging as we headed towards the park. I still had a lot on my mind like that school. Should I go..? I do have all summer but my parents still need to have enough time to put me on the raffle. I yelped as Theo tugged on the leash, we were getting closer to the park and he wanted to play with the other dogs.
I smiled softly and walked into the public park that was conveniently located two blocks away from my house. This park was very active and people would always brings their dogs and children here. I sat down on a wooden bench and let Theo off the leash to go play. I always love watching him run around the field without a care in the world, just happy to be there. I wish my life was as simple as his..


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