12. Im so glad you're safe..

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Kate's POV

I slowly woke up feeling the soft light against my eye lids as I was unconscious. Once I opened my dull doe eyes I gasped in shock as I quickly looked around the room. I am currently laying in a hospital bed while hooked up to some IV bags. How did I get here? Did master bring me here?? Why would he do that??
While all these scary thoughts were going through my head I barely noticed the nurse walk in. While speaking to a police officer......a police officer!!!?
They both look at my terrified face and the nurse saddens

"Hello sweetie how are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Lightheaded Maybe"

I was unable to awnser as I continued to stare at the cop with a confused and scared expression.

"H-help m-me please-I-I want my parents back-"

I sob while trying to sit up but the nurse rushes over and gently holds my shoulder

"Sweetie you need to stay in bed. The doctor will be in shortly then you can speak to the officer."

She said trying to reassure me. This isn't real is it?? Where is he? I'm in so much trouble when he finds me.

A female doctor walked in and smiled at me sadly while sitting next to the bed

"Hello Kate. Don't worry your safe now. No one is going to hurt you. We've contacted your parents and their on their way here now. Do you remember what happened to you-"

"Their on their way??? W-what about-how did..."

I was so confused. Is it over? Am I free now??...
Tears build up in my eyes and glide down my cheek. All three of them looked at me with sad eyes.
The doctor gently held my hand and looked at my eyes

"Kate I know this is difficult for you but can you please tell me what happened to you? It will help me treat you."

She said rubbing her thumb on my hand. I weakly wiped my tears from my eyes and the nurse gave me a tissue as I started telling them my story. While I talked their faces slowly changed into a mixture of pity and disgust. When I finally finished telling them I started crying again and the cop stepped out of the room to make a call. While he was leaving the room my mom walked in crying herself.


She ran over to me and I hugged her tightly while sobbing.

"Oh-my baby fill-in so glad you're safe-"

We hugged for a while and she would occasionally kiss the top of my head while rubbing my back.

"Ma'am can I speak with you in the hallway please "

The officer said softly and my mom glanced at him


She let's go of me and I could see my father in the hallway. His eyes looked sad, really sad. I reluctantly let my mom leave the room so the officer could speak to them in private. Hes probably telling them everything that happened. Everything they did to me. I feel so filthy.I just want to go home and take a shower all day. I dont even want to look at my body..

~Time skip 2 month~

A couple month goes bye and my parents and I decide to move to a new home away from our old neighborhood. I was relieved but haunted at the same time. I was happy I never had see that house again, the house I was raped in and was stolen from my parents. The memories of all those men still linger in my mind and every time I think about it I freeze up and stop talking for hours...My therapist said my recovery from this traumatizing event will be long but in the end I will be even stronger than I was before Tyler showed up at my house.
My parents decided to get me a service dog to help with my anxiety and depression. Hes a beautiful golden retriever mix with blue eyes and a very soft coat. Petting him is so nice and relaxing that I could pet him for hours and he would just lay there taking the affection and would sometimes fall asleep on my lap. I decided to name him Theo since I thought it had a cute ring to it and my parents seemed to like it aswell.
I sigh glancing out the car window looking at our new house. It was a modern yet simple two story house with a clean yard and a porch swing. The neighborhood looked to be very nice and all the houses looked
well kept. Once we pulled into the driveway I opened my door and stepped out of the car while holding Theo's leash, the pup seemed very excited to see the new house and wagged his tail as if we were at the park. I smiled at him softly and walked inside the empty not yet furnished home. It was very big on the inside and there was a clean dark wood floor that went from the living room area to the dining area. I let Theo off his leash and he ran off to go explore the new house and take in all the new smells.

"Kate, sweetie, can you help your father bring some of the boxes in?"

My mom asked walking through the front door with some suitcases and her purse. I nodded and walked outside to find my dad in the back of the moving truck grabbing a few boxes.

"Hey pumpkin, mind giving your old man a hand?"

He asked and I nodded picking up some boxes and walking inside. I knew moving into this new investment was going to be difficult but I was homeschooled anyway so it's not like I have any school friends that I would miss. Well this new house is going to take some getting used too but I'm sure my mom will turn this place into a home in no time.

Authors note: I'm back :3

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