3. M-master.?

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Suddenly, Kat could feel a wall behind her as she backed away from the kitchen entrance... But that didn't make sense, she didn't back up much... As the girl slowly lifted her head, she saw a smiling upside down face of the man looking back at her with a big,

"Hello there... I take it that you're the resident of this fine household?"

He says slowly, his voice deep and ominous and his sheer size made her feel like nothing more than a child standing in front of a giant. His hands were at his sides, but ready to shoot out to hold and silence the girl if she tried to run or scream.
Kates eyes widened surprised and quickly turned looking slightly terrified and shocked how he got behind her without her noticing. She quickly backed up against a wall looking scared knowing this man broke in without her knowing. Her body slightly froze up while her eyes took in his features.

"Who I am is not really important... For now let's just go with... New master of this house. Or just master for short. You know... You're pretty Damn cute... And I haven't tasted a woman in a while~..."

The brootish man says in a deep voice as he licks his lips sensually and reaches for the girl with his free hand, the other (on the side of the stairs) was still holding the half eaten sandwich. At least he awnserd one question..kinda.

Her face showed traces of innocence and worry for herself as she pressed herself against the wall once more, trying to keep distance between herself and his hand. Her ears were laying flat on her dark hair which went down past her shoulders to her lower back. He could see her eyes were pale blue which could be noticed since she was barely blinking. He loved how afraid she looked.

"w-w-what..y-you dont own- me! I-ill call the cops! G-get away!-"


Tyler interrupted the smaller girl, stepping even closer even tho she told him to move away.

"Call the cops you say? And how exactly are you going to do that...? You SHOULD have tried that BEFORE I saw you. Now I'm afraid there's no escape for you~..."

The man says as he smirks wide and holds his hand to the girl's cheek, rubbing it with his thumb gently. Then Tyler spoke.

"..Upstairs... Now!"

He instructs forcefully as he takes the last bite of his sandwich.
She fliched at his loud demand and her heart pounded looking down, she thought to her self and soon a small idea popped into her head, she slowly started going up the steps...but half way up she started running. Taking a sharp left to her dads office, which was one of the only rooms in the house with a door lock, she closed the door behind her and locked it, then moved a chair infront of the door to feel more secure as she could hear him pounded on it angerly. She fearfully ran to her dads old office phone to try and call for help.
She dialed 911 into the older phone and quickly raised it to her ear with her shaking hand. Suddenly a whole new feeling of fear came over her as all she could hear were beeping sounds...it was out of order. Her face went pale and tears formed in her eyes.


The man called out after he chased her up the last few steps. He slammed his shoulder into the closing door, but was too late as it clicked shut. He pulled on the door knob and banged with his fist loudly. After a bit he took a step back and kicked the door hard, forcing it open then hurried over to her angry at first, then slightly confused by the look on her face.

"What's wrong child...? Phone not in service?"

He says with a smirk and slowly takes the headpiece from her and places it back down on the wooden desk. He then takes the girl by her arm tightly and leads her back to the hallway.

"Tell me which one's your room."

Kate looked down, too afraid to speak or move and didn't want him to hear the pain in her voice to make him happier. One of the doors had a sign on it that was blue and black that said 'Keep out, Princess is sleeping'.
There were two other room in the hallway, one was obviously the bathroom because the door was open and you could see the sink. And the other was her mother and fathers master bedroom.

"Hmm... Let's try this room then... Princess~..."

He says and pulls the young girl into that room before closing the door behind him. He goes to the window and closes the curtains before turning back to the girl and looking for her cellphone around the room.
Kate stood afraid and whimpering. She noticed he was looking for something and a lie came to mind.

"i- i dont have a phone r-right now..." she said eyeing the door that led to the hall while knowing it was actually in her back pocket.

Authors note:
If it was in her back pocket why didnt she try calling 911 with that? Afraid he would take it?..even i can tell this wasn't that well thought out xD

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