elementria part 3

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  • Dedicated to Jake Keirnan

Uploaded 3 times in one day. Well I’m bored.

so please comment, vote and post ideas/opinions.


“First,” asked Joey “Do you know anything about the water element?”

“Of course I do!” Exclaimed Julian. “I power up my weapons with it.”

“Generalised or specialized?”

“definitely generalized, I have more options that way.”

“What can you teach me?”

“I can teach you almost all there is to know about it. You can learn as we go.”

“What’s one thing that we can start with?”

“Treat it as the other elements, mold it to your will and it will change form.”

“Is that all? How do I turn it to ice?”

“We will cross that metaphorical bridge when we reach it.”

Joey focused his thoughts and at that moment, streams of water flowed up from the ground like a fountain and froze. “How was that?” Joey asked Julian, whose faced had filled with awe as he stared at Joey

“I could not do that until my second year of rigorous training. How did you do it on your first day”

“Oh, well, um….” Joey said “I’ve tried it a great many times before today.”

“SHHH. I hear something” said Josh as Joey unfroze the water and it trickled away.

A bush rustled near them, a twig broke, muffled curses could be heard among the noise. Then a chant rose above every little sound, a chant filled with malice, scorn and hate. “Oh no” whispered Julian “we can’t hide now, he can sense life.” The chant stopped and they saw scores of shadows  appear in front of the bush.

 “Get them my death bringers” commanded a hoarse voice.

“Only one person has that voice and commands death bringers,” said Julian, “This realm’s worst nightmare, Jacob Deathstalker.”

“Can we fight him?” Asked Josh

“No ordinary being can fight him or his hordes.”

“What about the triple, Greatsword and… What’s your title Julian?”

“No we couldn’t. And my title is Julian the Outcast. I was disowned after our house was ransacked and I was framed.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that,” Joey said, “but although you say that the triple, Greatsword and the Outcast can’t beat him, what about the fourfold, the Great Healer of Ages, Greatsword and the Outcast?”

“Who is the Great Healer of Ages?” Asked Julian

“I am” said Josh.

“What, you?” exclaimed Julian, “But that would make you the legendary team PeaceKeepers.”

“I guess that you could say that we PK’ed you then hey Julian”

Julian cracked a smile but said nothing.

“So that is who I am against” mused the Deathstalker.

“Oh, he seemed to have heard us. We have no choice now,” said Joey. “ATTAAAACK!!!!!!!!


Well, what do you think, interesting turn of events?

Terrible cliffhanger?

Am I a mean person for leaving you with all of these cliffhangers?

please comment at vote

leave me with ideas for characters, abilities and plots.


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